- Volta Redonda 沃尔塔雷东达
- His compatriot Volta showed that this was not so. 他的本国同胞伏打指出,情况并非如此。
- Volta succeeded in producing a simple form of cell. 沃尔特成功制造出了一种简单电池。
- Unte uma forma redonda com manteiga e polvilhe-a com farinha. 在圆形的蛋糕模具上涂上黄油和撒上面粉。
- First battery invented by Alessandro Volta, an Italian physicist. 意大利物理学家亚历山德罗.;沃尔塔发明电池。
- Senti , questa volta , compriamo solo quello che ci serve . 这次,我们只买必须要买的东西。
- Since end of 90's VOLTA is selling wide range of security products. 90年代中期,沃尔塔公司调整了经营战略,开始经销报警设备。
- Una volta, Mong Mong catturato un uccello e di lasciarlo andare. 有一次,旺角旺角发现了鸟类和让它去。
- No,ti prego.non fare cosi .e la prima volta , vero ? 男:不,我求你了,不要这样。是你第一次,是不是?
- The energy source is considered as a device supplying the variant volta... 这些模型可以用于加热电源优化设计和感应淬火过程参数优化控制等。
- E' meglio vedere una volta che sentire cento volte. 百闻不如一见。
- Wind pressure: 560mm(22吋) Wind volume: 2.8m3/min Rated volta... 永康市巨强工具制造有限公司>>类别:电吹风浙江省-永康市2008-12-2210:19
- La mia passione, sempre, dalla prima volta che ho toccato un pallone. 从我初次碰到球的那一刻起,足球便注定成为我永远的爱。
- Una volta caduto in questa trappola,non riusciresti piu'ad uscire vivo. 一旦掉入这个陷阱你就不可能活着回来。
- Ogni tanto corriamo sulla montagna vicina, ma non ricordiamo la volta scorsa... 咱俩偶尔到附近山上跑跑;但已记不得上次跑步是啥时候了...
- A country in the northern Leeward Islands of the Caribbean Sea, comprising the island of Antigua and the smaller islands of Barbuda and Redonda. 安提瓜和巴布达:加勒比海背风群岛北部的一个国家,包括安提瓜岛及小岛巴布达和瑞东达。
- In 1800 Volta made his experiment cell and produced for the first time a steady electric current. 1800年伏特做出了一个实验电池并第一次产生了稳定的直流电。
- This was the project, originally conceived by the British colonial administration, for a dam on the Volta River. 那就是原由英国殖民政府所设计的沃尔特水坝工程计划。
- In 1800,Volta made his experiment cell and produced for the first time a steady electric current. 1800年,伏特做出了一个实验电池并第一次产生了稳定的直流电。
- Volta succeeded in producing a simple form of cell which is the parent of modern batteries. 沃尔塔成功地制造了简单的电池,这种电池就是现代电池的起源。