- Volkswagen Bora 大众宝来,简称宝来
- Under Volkswagen brand, there are Jetta, Bora, Golf, Caddy, Satigar and Magoton car products in series. 大众品牌有捷达、宝来、高尔夫、开迪、速腾、迈腾六大系列产品;
- In power, the new Bora with the 1.6L and 2.0L engine Volkswagen is Germany's most sophisticated engine technology, which in the future maintenance cost is very affordable. 在动力方面,新宝来搭载的1.;6L和2
- Een Volkswagen kost 20 euro per dag. 一辆大众牌汽车每天租金20欧元。
- Whether New Bora can break out a new way? 宝来魔咒效应新宝来能否破解?
- When can New Bora take the place of Jetta? 文章标题:新宝来多久能接班捷达?
- And the Fiat next to the Volkswagen? 大众旁边的菲亚特(fiat)怎么样?
- Een Volkswagen kost20 euro per dag. 一辆大众牌汽车每天租金20欧元。
- The Volkswagen's office stationery gifts. 大众汽车办公文具礼品
- Mr Coak1ey runs a blue Volkswagen. 柯克礼先生驾驶一辆蓝色大众牌汽车。
- WHAT on earth is going on at Volkswagen? 大众究竟发生了什么?
- We have volkswagen, Pinto, Plymouth and Datsun. 我们有大众,品拓,普里茅斯和德森。
- Raccoons must really like Volkswagen vehicles. 浣熊必须真的很喜欢大众的车辆。
- Volkswagen launched its small and plucky Rabbit. 大众发布了他的小而冲劲十足的“兔子”。
- Up to 17m3 load capacity. Volkswagen Crafter. 能装17立方米容量的车身。。。
- Volkswagen, for example, is planning an assault. 例如,大众汽车正计划一次突击。
- The one who replaced him must be Bora Milutinovic of Yu-goslavia ? 接替他的好像是来自南斯拉夫的米卢蒂诺维奇吧?
- He made short work of Bora, but Goku won't prove to be so easy. 他很快就搞定了波拉,但小悟空可不是那么好对付的。
- Volkswagen adds Ukraine to give it a total of five countries. 加上新增的乌克兰,大众公司的配件制造厂现已遍及五个国家。
- Jeff: The one who replaced him must be Bora Milutinovic of Yu-goslavia ? 杰夫: 接替他的好像是来自南斯拉夫的米卢蒂诺维奇吧?