- You can pack 12 college students into a Volkswagen Beetle, but that doesn't make it a minivan. 装12个人到甲壳虫车里,但它并不能变成一个面包车。
- In 1954, the last time GM's share price was this low, the Cadillac Eldorado had yet to grow fins and the Volkswagen Beetle was still a novelty. 而上次通用股价跌倒如此低的水平是在1954年。那时,凯迪拉克埃尔多拉多还没有推向市场,而大众的甲壳虫仍然是新鲜事物。
- Bumblebee's original alternate mode in "Transformers" (1984) was a Volkswagen Beetle, but this was altered to a 1976/2009 Chevrolet Camaro. 在1984年的变形金刚中,大黄蜂变形之后的汽车是一辆大众甲壳虫,但是后来改成雪弗兰卡玛罗了。
- The grand and spectacular Juyongguan not only witnessed the ten drivers' remarkableness, but also witnessed the legendary quality of the Volkswagen Beetle. 雄关漫道真如铁,居庸关见证了十位车手的不凡,更见证了大众汽车经典甲壳虫的传奇品质。
- Tail fins reached their apogee in 1959, the Volkswagen Beetle fought the Renault Dauphine for import-car supremacy, and Honda began stitching new wrinkles into America's cultural fabric. 尾鳍达到其远地点于1959年,大众汽车甲壳虫作战的雷诺多芬进口车优势,和本田开始缝合新皱纹到美国的文化结构.
- After work we all beetle off for a drink. 下班之后我们都急忙赶去喝几杯。
- The beetle scurried away when I lifted the stone. 我把石头搬起来时,那只甲虫跑了。
- The pupil like the beetle very much. 小学生们很喜欢甲虫。
- She screamed as she saw the beetle. 看到甲虫,她尖叫起来。
- Volkswagen Beetle Karmann 大众甲壳虫·卡曼
- It's here-the new Beetle, as Germany's famous Volkswagen car is known. 它就在这里----新款甲虫车,作为德国著名的“大众”车而闻名于世。
- Volkswagen Beetle 大众甲壳虫;简称甲壳虫
- Now, why don't you children beetle off into the garden and play? 你们这些孩子为什么现在还不赶快跑到花园里去玩?
- Een Volkswagen kost 20 euro per dag. 一辆大众牌汽车每天租金20欧元。
- Pupils like the beetle very much. 小学生们很喜欢甲虫。
- He carelessly trod the lady beetle underfoot. 他不小心把瓢虫踩在了脚下。
- And the Fiat next to the Volkswagen? 大众旁边的菲亚特(fiat)怎么样?
- Een Volkswagen kost20 euro per dag. 一辆大众牌汽车每天租金20欧元。
- The Volkswagen's office stationery gifts. 大众汽车办公文具礼品
- He is between the beetle and block now. 他处于十分危险的境地。