- Case study of voice assessment and therapy for the voice quality disorder 音质障碍测量与治疗的个案研究
- Voice quality disorder 音质障碍
- Q: When do we get the best voice quality? 什么时候得到最好的话音质量?
- To Regulate the Voice Quality Between Network? 网间语音质量怎么管?
- Transmission quality, voice quality and call establishment times. 检测传输质量、语音质量以及呼叫建立时间。
- How is iTalkBB's voice quality compared to traditional phone service? 与传统的电话服务相比,你们的声音品质如何?
- Intonation and voice quality communicate 38 percent, and nonverbal cues transmit a whopping 55 percent. 语调及音色传达了百分之三十八,而非语言的暗示传递了极大的百分之五十五。
- Our voice quality is the same as traditional phone service, as long as your internet connection is stable. 只要您的宽带接入质量稳定,我们的通话品质与传统电话服务不相上下。
- Sing! Voice quality does not matter. Sing together regularly. Build a repertoire of family favorites. 唱歌!音色好坏并不重要。经常和孩子一起唱歌,成立一个家庭合唱团,唱家里人都爱唱的歌。
- For large or congested areas, SMARTNET's simulcast option enhances coverage and provides excellent voice quality. 在大型或阻塞区域,SMARTNET具备的同播性能扩大了有效覆盖区域,并提供了优异的语音质量。
- The listener sidetone rating defines the effect of interference sound on the voice quality. 背景侧音当量是在仿真量测当电话使用在吵杂环境畤由送话端回授到受话端的量。
- The results show that our end-to-end adaptation scheme is workable with acceptable voice quality in TANET environment. 因为当我们在这个时候调整缓冲器大小时,人类的听觉并不容易感觉到声音被破坏的现象。
- Postoperative videostroboscopy in the outpatient department indicated no recurrence of tumor with good voice quality. 患者术后于门诊追踪2年,声音品质恢复良好,无局部复发现象。
- The super value DDD/IDD rates of 197 will make your communication expenditures more cost-effective without sacrificing voice quality. 同时197提供的优良的通话品质还可以让您的企业能够更加把握商机,在激烈的市场竞争中成为行业的佼佼者!
- This technology will provide superior wireless voice quality and data services supporting video and multimedia content sent wirelessly to laptops, handholds and smart phones. 此技术将提供极好的无线通话质量和数据服务,支持通过无线方式向便携机、手持设备和灵巧电话发送视频图形和多媒体内容。
- The key that VoIP can keep gaining popularity in the future absolutely not lies in its cost effectiveness but in its the improvement of voice quality. 网路电话能否持越来越受欢迎的关键绝对不是在于它是否廉价,而是在于它的通话品质能否持续的提升。
- This technology will provide superior wireless voice quality and data services supporting video and multimedia content sent wirelessly to laptops,handholds and smart phones. 此技术将提供极好的无线通话质量和数据服务,支持通过无线方式向便携机、手持设备和灵巧电话发送视频图形和多媒体内容。
- Currently, a multi-channel PCM sound satellite broadcast transmission mode has beendeveloped in Japan which adopts PCM multi-chanel high voice quality TDMA method. 目前,日本已开发出一种多路PCM伴音卫星广播传输方式,该方式采用PCM多路高音质伴音时分复接的方法。
- The main fac tors that affect voice quality includes delay,jit ter,pack age -loss,signal edge -cut,channel SNR,signal level and the size of voice package. 影响语音质量的主要因素包括时延及抖动、丢包、信号沿切割、通道信噪比、信号电平和语音包大小等。