- The Russian people are readier for democracy than Vladimir Putin will allow. 俄罗斯人民为民主做好了准备,却为普京所不允。
- Ru ian President Vladimir Putin has vowed to find and destroy the killers. 俄罗斯总统普京誓言要找到并消灭这些劫持者。
- President Vladimir Putin congratulated Mikhail Gorbachev on his birthday. 普京总统向戈尔巴乔夫致生日贺词。
- De ite the sanctio , Ru ian president Vladimir Putin Monday ordered a long-pla ed pullout of Ru ian troo from Georgia to continue. 尽管实施了制裁,俄罗斯总统普京星期一还是下令继续按早就制定的计划从格鲁吉亚撤出俄罗斯军队。
- She is said by local media to have even charmed Russian President Vladimir Putin, who visited Kiev in March. 当地媒体称季莫申科甚至迷倒了今年三月造访基辅的俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔·普京。
- Deployment could derai Russian President Vladimir Putin's offer to reduce US and Russian nuclear arsenals to 1,000 strategic warheads each. 部署国家导弹防御系统会使俄国总统弗拉基米尔·普京提出的关于美俄两国各自将核武库削减至1000枚战略核弹头的提议落空。
- In the case of Beslan, Vladimir Putin, Russia's president, immediately blamed the atrocity on outside forces bent on weakening his country. 在发生别斯兰事件时,俄罗斯总统普京立即指责对于外围部队的残忍,可他们一心想削弱普京的国家。
- President Bush and Russia's Vladimir Putin have wrapped up their" Lobster Summit" in Maine. 布什总统和俄总统普金圆满地结束了他们在缅因州的“龙虾峰会”。
- An east German family asks Russian President Vladimir Putin to help them find their child, abducted in 1984. 一个叫民主德国家庭俄罗斯总统普京帮助他们寻找孩子,1984年被绑架。
- In Russia, President Vladimir Putin's supporters and allies gain a majority parliamentary elections. 俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔。普京的支持者和盟友在议会大选中获得多数席位。
- Word of the agreement came as President Bush sat down for talks in Hanoi with Russian President Vladimir Putin. 布什总统和俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔.;普京在河内对话,谈到了此项协议。
- President Bush and Russian President Vladimir Putin are holding a farewell meeting at Putin's retreat on the Black Sea. 美国总统布什和俄罗斯总统普金在普京位于黑海的度假地举行了告别宴会。
- Alarmist rhetoric from President Vladimir Putin; skinhead violence on Russian streets. Is there a connection? 普京总统危言耸听的外交辞令和俄国街头的平民暴力,他们之间有关联么?
- President Bush wraps up his trip in the Black Sea resort of Sochi for talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin. 布什总统结束访问前在黑海著名疗养地索契同俄罗斯总统普京举行会谈,他们将讨论美国导弹防御体系。
- "Ukraine right now is in the sights of Vladimir Putin, and those who want to reassemble the old Soviet Union," he said. 麦凯恩表示,他处理国际安全问题的方式是手持大棒,但说话要轻声细语。
- He will meet individually with both Russian President Dmitri Medvedev and Prime Minister Vladimir Putin. 他将分别会见俄罗斯总统梅德韦杰夫和总理普京。
- It also coincided, perhaps fortuitously for Mr Lukashenka, with an uncomfortable few weeks for Russia's Vladimir Putin. 这对于卢卡申科来说可能是巧合,但是这将给俄罗斯总统普京带来很大程度上的不适,这种负面影响可能会持续数周。
- Vladimir Putin told a NATO meeting that the world had become “more dangerous” because of the Bush administration. 普京在一次北约会议上表明,是布什政府的所作所为令这个世界变得“更加危险”。
- President Bush and Russia's Vladimir Putin have wrapped up their "Lobster Summit" in Maine. 布什总统和俄总统普金圆满地结束了他们在缅因州的“龙虾峰会”。
- Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has approved a halt to all deliveries of Russian natural gas to Ukraine. 俄罗斯总理普京批准停止俄罗斯向乌克兰输送的所有天然气。