- virus- free sweet potato test -tube seedling 甘薯脱毒试管苗
- Sweet potato was the staple of their diet. 过去甘薯是他们的主食。
- And that is a yam,which is a kind of sweet potato. 那么甜薯,是番薯的一种。
- Bean or sweet potato starch noodles. 意是由土豆或者淀粉制作而成.
- Experiment of Virus Free of Bulblets in Lilium spp. 百合种球脱病毒试验研究。
- Utilization of Good Sweet Potato Parent-Yanfen No. 优良甘薯亲本材料岩粉一号的利用。
- She have become used to eating sweet potato. 她已经习惯于吃白薯了。
- And that is a yam, which is a kind of sweet potato. 那是甜薯,是番薯的一种。
- Mrs. Johnson baked a sweet potato pie. 约翰逊太太烤一个红薯馅饼。
- The sweet potato is almost burned to charcoal. 这个红薯都快烤得焦炙了。
- This sweet potato is soft and floury. 这块白薯真面。
- He also makes sweet potato muffins. 布朗面包坊“位于肯塔基州列克星敦市,上个月才开张。
- Sweet potatoes decayed after the frost. 霜下了之后,地瓜烂掉了。
- Eastern Brazilians lean more heavily on the sweet potato. 巴西东部人主要靠白薯为生。
- Biology technique is based on appearance symptom on sweet potato or Ipomoea Setosa after they are infected to identify virus. 生物学方法是依据病毒侵染后在甘薯或指示植物上的外观症状进行识别,但检测速度慢,易受季节限制;
- At present, the best way to stay virus free is the correct hand-washing and avoid large crowds to. 目前,最好的方式免费入住这种病毒是正确洗手,并尽量避免前往人群大。
- Studies on the developmental biology of Sweet potato Seed. 甘薯种子发育生物学研究。
- A change of angle shooting, sweet potato into a jagged edge. 换了一个角度拍摄时,红薯的边缘变成参差不齐的。
- The butter-like material only melts when it hits the respiratory tract, leaving the virus free to infect cells - a process scientists say is like an M &M melting in the mouth. 一项最新研究发现,流感病毒表面包有一层脂肪保护外壳,这种外壳十分坚硬,能抵御严寒。
- The company has shaped a domestically advanced eco-plantation by importing Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc and other world-known virus free seedlings as well. 该公司建成了国内领先的绿色生态种植基地,引进国际名优品种赤霞珠、品丽珠等脱毒苗木,采用独特的天然重力酿造法并进行深层岩洞恒温贮酒。