- Virus spreading algorithms 病毒传播算法
- There is always the danger of the virus spreading too quickly. 受损的原因是病毒传播太快。
- The two components of virus spread can be separated. 病毒的两种扩散方式可以分开。
- In 2006 the virus spread further east infecting Papua and much of Sulawesi. 2006年病毒向东进一步蔓延至巴布亚岛和苏门答腊的大部分地区。
- Influenza virus spread rapid via aerial droplets and fomites with inhalation into the pharynx or lower respiratory tract. 流感病毒经飞沫和其它污物吸入咽或下呼吸道而快速传播。
- FOR 22 years America has banned HIV-positive people from entering the country without a hard-to-get waiver for fear of the virus spreading. 22年以来,美国禁止任何没有豁免书阳性HIV携带者踏上美国领土,以防止病毒传播,而该豁免书很难取得。
- On Friday, officials there announced plans to ban city residents from keeping free-roaming backyard poultry in a bid to prevent the virus spreading to people. 周五,当地官员宣布禁止当地居民自由放养家禽的计划,以防止病毒传染给人类。
- Aphid count on plants in fields do not correlate with virus spread in the same fields. 田间植株蚜数与同块田内病毒的扩散程度间无相关性。
- The scientists believe that the virus spread from chimps to humans most likely through bushmeat hunters. 科学家相信极可能病毒是通过狩猎者从黑猩猩传染给人类。
- Virus spread within a field depends on the number of virus sources, the number of healthy plants. 田内病毒传播依据病毒源数目,健株数。
- On Friday, officials there announced plans to ban city residents from keeping free-roaming backyard poultry, in a bid to prevent the virus spreading to people. 周五,当地官员公布了禁止城市居民随意在院落中饲养家禽的计划,以防禽流感病毒感染人类。
- Loss of ITK function after establishment of HIV infection also decreased virus spread within the culture. 研究人员指出,基于这一方法开发出的药物至少可以成为现有艾滋病疗法的有益补充。
- On the other side, hacker attack, virus spreading and mixed network attacks add increasingly, so that the network security line of defence is full frailness. 另一方面,黑客攻击、病毒传播以及形形色色的网络攻击日益增加,网络安全防线十分脆弱。
- Once an invader gets to Montreal, it’s very easy for it to travel to the rest of the ports in the system, like a virus spreading through a college dorm. 一旦有物种入侵蒙特利尔,它就很容易到达该系统的其他港口,就像病毒在大学宿舍中的那样传播。
- With a new H1N1 influenza virus spreading around the world, governments in many countries have revived advertisements entreating people to observe personal hygiene. 眼下一种新型的H1N1流感病毒正在全球广泛传播,很多国家的政府纷纷重新打出广告,提醒人们注意个人卫生。
- With a new N1N1 influenza virus spreading around the world, governments in many countries have revived advertisements entreating people to observe personal hygiene. 眼下一种新型的N1H1流感病毒正在全球广泛传播,很多国家的**纷纷重新打出广告,提醒人们注意个人卫生。
- In the study, as expected, human flu viruses spread easily among the ferrets. 在研究中,象预期的一样,人类流感病毒容易在雪貂中传播。
- Instead, the virus is similar to recent isolates from southern China, suggesting that the virus spread from China to Thailand and Laos. 相反,病毒与在中国南方最近分离出的毒株相似,这表明病毒是从中国传播到泰国和老挝的。
- The virus spreads through the air when infected people cough or sneeze. 该病毒传播通过空气时,受感染者咳嗽或打喷嚏。
- The virus spreads through the air when an infected person expels air suddenly. 当感染者急促地排出气体时病毒通过空气传播。