- One of the fundamental problems with direct manipulation in a 2D projection of a 3D scene is the problem of translating 2D motions of the cursor in the plane of the screen into a more meaningful movement in the virtual 3D space. 三维场面的二维投影中,使用直接操作的基本问题之一就是如何将屏幕上光标的二维移动转换为虚拟三维空间内更有意义的移动。
- Virtual 3D Scene 虚拟三维场景
- Shadow in virtual 3D vision art of computer is important to art. 摘要虚拟三维环境下的阴影时作品的艺术性有着极大的影响。
- Combining the Virtual Reality Modeling Language and Java script, the interactive 3D scene of flow is simulated by using a 3D interactive virtual reality model based on the Digital Elevate Model. 利用数字高程模型生成可交互的虚拟现实三维模型.;将虚拟现实建模语言与Java脚本相结合;模拟了动态交互的三维河道水流场景
- Because of the defects of present 3D Geographic Information System and Virtual Reality System,a VR system with the functions of 3D scene roaming,Extern database querying and space analyzing was developed based on dynamically updating GIS data. 针对现有三维G IS系统以及虚拟现实系统存在的问题,基于可动态更新G IS数据开发了具备三维场景漫游、外部数据库查询和部分空间分析功能的虚拟现实系统。
- Adding fog effects to a 3D scene can give greater realism,depth and distance,and provide ambiance or set a mood. 在3D场景中加入雾化效果能增加场景的真实感、纵深感和距离感,创造环境氛围。
- Using scale drawings and countless photographs ensures the end result is an accurate virtual 3D copy of the real thing. 为了确保最终的结果是真实物体的精确3D拷贝,我们使用了比例尺图片与不计其数的相片。
- For a 3D scene to be visible, you'll need to add one or more lights to the scene. 为了使三维场景可见,我们需要向场景内添加一个或多个光源。
- Once you have a functional 3D scene in place, you can start having fun mapping video and other media to the 3D meshes. 功能正常的三维场景准备就绪后,您就可以开始享受将视频和其他媒体映射到三维网格之上的乐趣了。
- Then, just as a photograph isn't possible without a camera, a 3D scene in Windows Presentation Foundation isn't either. 然后,正如没有照相机就无法拍照片一样,Windows Presentation Foundation中也不能缺少三维场景。
- Ground on the projects, 3D scene stereoscopic based on VRT and OpenGVS are carried out. 并在这两个项目的基础上,分别基于VRT和OpenGVS实现了三维场景的立体显示;
- The paper introduces the development of the VRML and how to establish virtual 3D models by VRML, and analyses the methods of the interactive control of the virtual 3D models. 摘要介绍了虚拟现实建模语言的发展,以及运用虚拟现实建模语言建立工程制图所需的虚拟三维模型的方法,分析了实现虚拟三维模型互动控制的途径。
- Min RH-Rays - defines the minimum amount of random hemispheric rays that will be shot into the 3d scene. 最小随机半球光线-定义弹射点的随机半球光的最小弹出射线的数目。
- On the basis of Che theory of1 these algorithms, a system for 3D scene generation is realized through Visual C++6.0 and OpenGL programming. 在本文算法基础上,通过Visual C++6.;0结合OpenGL图形库编程,实现了一个场景显示与漫游系统。
- Depending on the size and shape of your 3D scene you can undock some toolbars and leave them floating inconvenient places. 根据大小和形状的三维场景,您可以将一些工具栏换个地方停浮以腾出他们原来不便利的停浮的地方。
- The storage, look-up and view frustum culling of nodes in 3D scene are the key problems which effect the rendering efficiency in large scale scene. 在大规模场景渲染过程中,场景中节点的存储、查找,以及视域剔除是影响渲染速度的重要因素。
- The realization of our 3D engine is mainly consisted of three contents: reading 3D data file, rebuilding 3D scenes and eyes moving in the virtual scenes. 我们实现的3D引擎主要包括三方面的内容:3D数据文件的读取,三维场景的重建,视点在场景中的运动。
- SIPP is a library for creating photorealistic renderings of 3D scenes. SIPP是一个使用3D布景创造现实照片的库。
- The terrible scene was engraved on his memory. 那可怕的情景铭记在他的记忆里。
- X3D is the new generation Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML97) using the Extensible Markup Language (XML), and provide a platform-independent way to render dynamic interactive 3D scenes across the Internet. X3D是基于可扩展标记语言(XML)的新一代虚拟现实造型语言,可在Internet网络提供独立、动态可交互性3D场景。