- View threads with new messages 查看有新消息的论题
- Show watched threads with new messages 显示有新消息的已观察论题
- She came back bubbling over with new ideas. 她带着满脑子的新想法回来了。
- The library was enriched with new books. 购买新书使图书馆得到了充实。
- He covered the cushion with new material. 他给靠垫蒙上了新的料子。
- You may need to press the RELOAD button to view new messages. 注意:你可能需要重新整理这页;以取得最新的内容.
- A great book impregnates the mind with new ideas. 伟大的著作总是把新思想注入人心。
- He assailed his studies with new determination. 他以崭新的决心从事研究工作。
- Unable to create a thread with error code %1. 无法用错误代码%251创建线程。
- They were piecing out the library with new books. 他们在添置新书以扩大图书馆的藏书量。
- Find your "Unread" view in the Mail panel or menu to go through new messages. 您可在邮件面板或邮件菜单中的“未读”视图中找到您的新邮件。
- What we need here is some new blood with new ideas. 我们这儿所需要的是具有新观念的新成员。
- His black hair was threaded with silver. 他的黑发中夹杂着银发。
- The racks were crowded with new clothes. 架子上挂满了新衣服。
- There are no new messages on the server. 在此服务器中没有任何新的消息。
- The company certainly need some fresh blood with new ideas. 公司当然需要一些具有创见的新人。
- Threads with equal priority are time-sliced on a round-robin basis. 如果线程具有相同的优先权,则根据时间片进行轮转调度。
- Golden thread with jade armour is fabric cloth of cassock also. 金缕玉甲也是布衣袈裟。
- I haven't kept up with news from home lately. 最近我对家里的情况一无所知。
- Work items are dispatched to the UI thread with normal priority. 以正常优先级将工作项目调度到UI线程。