- Victory remains with us. 胜利终将属于我们。
- Wenger said:" I hope Sol remains with us next year. 温格说:“我希望索尔下赛季仍然和我们在一起。
- Memories of happy days remain with us. 快乐时光的记忆尚在。
- Do you wish this frightful secret to remain with us? 你愿意这个可怕的秘密只有我们两个人知道吗?
- Do you think a peaceful world will remain with us ever since? 你认为世界从此会和平吗?
- "The Coppa Italia remains with us," the former Lecce player told the Roma fans. “杯赛冠军将留在我们这。”前莱切前锋向罗马球迷宣称。
- His memory will always remain with us,ie We will always remember him. 他永远留在我们的记忆中。
- His memory will always remain with us, ie We will always remember him. 他永远留在我们的记忆中.
- Your smile was the flowers of your own fields, your talk was the rustle of your own mountain pines, so full speed ahead, Victory remains with yours. 你的微笑是你自己田园里的花,你的谈吐是你自己山上的松林的萧萧;加油吧,胜利终将属于你们的。
- Your smile was the flowers of your own fields,your talk was the rustle of your own mountain pines,so full speed ahead,Victory remains with yours. 你的微笑是你自己田园里的花,你的谈吐是你自己山上的松林的萧萧;加油吧,胜利终将属于你们的。
- Come what may, the final victory will remain with the Chinese. 无论怎样,最后的胜利是属于中国人的。
- The scientists who discovered atomic energy are no longer living, but the knowledge to use it remains with us. 发现原子能的科学家已经去世了,但是使用原子能的知识则继续流传著。
- But her brother and her mother replied, "Let the girl remain with us ten days or so; then you may go. 利百加的哥哥和他母亲说:“让女子同我们再住几天,至少十天,然后他可以去。
- Will you partake of a drink with us? 和我们一同喝一杯好吗?
- You may depend upon it, Madam,"said Miss Bingley, with cold civility,"that Miss Bennet shall receive every possible attention while she remains with us. 彬格莱小姐冷淡而有礼貌地说:“你放心好啦,老太太,班纳特小姐待在我们这儿,我们一定尽心尽意地照顾她。
- The decision remains with the general manager. 还得由总经理作决定。
- He chatted with us for two hours and made notes. 他和我们谈了两个钟头,还做了笔记。
- When the men of Ashdod saw that it was so, they said, "The ark of the God of Israel must not remain with us, for His hand is severe on us and on Dagon our god. 亚实突人见这光景,就说,以色列神的约柜不可留在我们这里,因为他的手重重加在我们和我们神大衮的身上。
- She opened out a lot while she was staying with us. 她与我们相处期间个性已强多了。
- Come what may,the final victory will remain with the Chinese. 无论怎样,最后的胜利是属于中国人的。