- The supreme happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved (Victor Hugo). 生活中至高无上的幸福是确信我们为人所爱。(维克多 雨果)
- "The supreme happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved" (Victor Hugo). “生活中至高无上的幸福是确信我们为人所爱。” (维克多·雨果)
- The novel entitled The Miserable was written by an eminent French writer,Victor Hugo. 小说《悲惨世界》是法国文豪维克多.;雨果的作品
- Victor Hugo's great, inspired novels Quatre-vingt-treize, Les Travailleurs de la Mer, and L'Homme qui rit. 他以为他已经找到了庇护所,她相信自己的文字,好像它是一个亲密、宽容的朋友。
- Dans quel salon sont exposes les objects et les doucuments authentiques lies a la vie du grand ecrivain Victor Hugo? 有关大作家维克多.;雨果生活的真实物件和资料在哪个展厅展出?
- The supreme happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved.--Victor Hugo, French novelist. 生活中最大的幸福是坚信有人爱我们。--法国小说家雨果.;V
- The Frenchman, Victor Hugo, wrote his novel Les Miserables about a poor man who stole a loaf of bread to keep from hunger. 法国作家,维克多雨果写了一部小说《悲惨世界》。写了一个贫苦的饥饿难当的偷了一块面包的农民。
- France is proud to have been home to Victor Hugo, Gustave Flaubert, Marcel Proust, Arthur Rimbaud, Victor Segalen, Roland Barthes, etc. 俄罗斯的选手在以前的一次比赛中男选手因为动作失误失衡,把他的女搭档抛出去却没有接回来,结果女选手重重摔在冰面上。
- After Place Victor Hugo take Rue Lauriston: the hotel is at the end of the street at the corner of the Rue Lauriston and the Rue de Longchamp. 如果太迟取消预订或没出现在酒店,酒店将收取第一夜的房费。
- The sanctuary has played host to the baptisms of the Marquis de Sade and Baudelaire, as well as the marriage of Victor Hugo. 它的附属神学院见证过一段异教发展史,曾被作为许多秘密团体的地下集会场所。
- The Maisonde Victor Hugo is not magnificent as imagined. It is hided in the corner of a palace without obvious guide andvery easy tobe neglected. 大文豪雨果的纪念馆并非想象中的壮观,甚至几乎没有标识,只是藏在这座宫殿的一个角落里,一不留神就错过了。
- Despite its conservatism, most of France's great writers, including Pierre Corneille, Jean Racine, Voltaire, and Victor Hugo, have been members. 虽然常以保守的面目出现,但院士中却包括了法国文学中的多数名人,如高乃依(Pierre Corneille)、拉辛、伏尔泰和雨果。
- French writer Victor Hugo once said: "Even if all of our Notre Dame all the treasures together, the same can not be large and magnificent museum comparable to the East. 法国大作家雨果曾说:"即使把我国所有圣母院的全部宝物加在一起,也不能同这个规模宏大而富丽堂皇的东方博物馆媲美"。
- Naturally, the girls went to the ChampsElysees Avenue, MX and Xiao Tui went to the Military Museum, and I insisted to visit the Maison de Victor Hugo alone. 女生们自然选择了香谢丽舍大街,MX和小推去了军事博物馆,而我决定一个人去见雨果。
- French author Victor Hugo's classic 1831 novel, set in 15th century Paris around the cathedral of Notre Dame, tells the tragic story of a deformed bell ringer Quasimodo and his love for a beautiful gypsy girl Esmeralda. 法国作家维克多-雨果的这部作于1831年的名著以15世纪的巴黎圣母院为背景,讲述了关于丑陋的敲钟人加西莫多以及他对美丽的吉普赛女郎埃斯梅拉达的爱慕的悲惨故事。
- To reveal with lyric poems the meaning in the daily life and to depict the fate of the marginalized figures in the society are the influences and enlightenments Baudelaire benefited from Victor Hugo. 波德莱尔在某些诗中对雨果的模仿既表现为从雨果那里受到的某些影响和启发,也表现为具有鲜明个人特色的创造性发挥。 用抒情诗表现平凡琐碎事物中的诗意,并且对社会边缘人物的命运加以关注和思考,这是波德莱尔得益于雨果的影响和启发。
- Burnaby in the future, whether Napoleon or Louis XVI, whether Montaigne, Rousseau, Victor Hugo or Keluo and Picasso, Bordeaux have as an eternal theme, survival in their thoughts and works . 在伯纳以后,无论是路易十六还是拿破仑,也无论是蒙田、卢梭、雨果还是柯罗和毕加索,波尔多都已作为一个永恒的主题,存活在他们的思想和作品中。
- Victor Hugo' s Drama: An Annotated Bibliography 维克多·雨果的戏剧作品:注释书目
- Victor Hugo The Toilers of the Sea 海上劳工
- L'enfance et la jeunesse de Victor Hugo 雨果青少年时代述评