- Viciousness and virtuousness 善恶
- A woman regarded as proper and virtuous. 贤淑的女性被认为是正统的和有德行的女性
- The people are held down by a vicious and repressive military regime. 人民受着凶恶而专制的军事政权的压迫。
- Athens had turned against its most brilliant and virtuous citizen. 雅典把矛头指向其最有才有德的人。
- Immoderate international tax competition is vicious and harmful. 过度的国际税收竞争是有害的、恶性的。
- God bless those well doers and virtuous people have long life. 善者天佑,德者长寿。
- The big boon in adopted father in many thanks is big and virtuous. 多谢义父大恩大德。
- Like a Huguenot imagining Rome, he built up a picture of frivolity, viciousness and corruption. 就象胡格教徒心目中的罗马城一样,他幻想了一幅淫乱,堕落,腐化的图画。
- This incident is surpasses the Sanlu milk scandal in its seriousness, viciousness and intentionally subjectiveness. 这起事件的严重性、恶劣性和主观故意性恐怕要大大超过“三鹿奶粉”。
- If you are fealty and virtuous, then I would like to meet you. 如果你孝顺,善良,我很愿意认识你。。。
- Personal danger is different from social harm, subjective viciousness and fault, as cannot be confused. 人身危险性与社会危害性、主观恶性、罪过均有区别,不可混淆。
- Afghanistan's troubles are, of course, unique, especially in the viciousness and extent of its continuing insurgency, most often compared with Iraq's. 当然,阿富汗的问题有独特性,特别是其持续不断的叛乱程度很深,范围甚广。
- When Rod Humphries referred to courage and hardness, he doesn't appear to appreciate they have nothing in common with viciousness and aggression. 当Rod Humphries谈及勇气和难度时,他似乎不赏识在邪恶和攻击性方面它们两者之间没有任何共同点。
- Obtainning wealth and promoting based on long-time work ,it just make sense of honor degenerative and virtuousness promiscuous. 贤与不贤相互混淆。意谓提拔官员不能仅以时间长短来确定。
- Her softness and virtuousness wins the love of both the quarry's manager who is powerful and rich, and the bus driver who is kind and honest. 其实生活就像古老的中国茶韵-终会苦尽甘来。
- And without that protection she had no defence against the spiteful backbiting, the dirty jostling and sniping, the petty viciousness and cowardice that is so much a part of the impotent and raging history of China. 她是办公室里最有能力的人但没有合适的朋友,没有这种保护她无法对付那些恶意的诽谤和卑鄙的攻击,这种狭隘的邪恶与懦弱在中国这段衰弱的令人愤怒的历史上占着如此大的一部分。
- As the inward viciousness and abusiveness is addressed in ascension, with such unconscious parts of oneself conquered and integrated in full, the outer experienced of attracting another whom is abusive will shift. 当内在的恶意和滥用在提升中被表达,这样的无意识自我碎片被战胜及完全整合时,吸引这种滥用之他人的外在经历亦将改变。
- I hit him fair and square on the jaw. 我不偏不倚打中他的下巴。
- It is a fact of life and you must face it. 这是严酷的现实,你必须面对它。
- She and I can't live under the same roof. 她和我不能住在一起。