- Vibration environment testing 振动环境试验
- vibration environment test 振动环境试验
- Space computer is the important electronic device in aerocraft.Vibration analysis and control ensure its reliable work in adverse vibration environment. 航天计算机是航天飞行器中重要的电子设备,其振动分析和振动控制是其在恶劣振动环境下可靠工作的重要保障。
- Automatic measure and calibration system is developed for 3595 multiplexer used in spacecraft environment test. 针对航天器环境试验中3595多路数据采集板性能指标,开发了智能检定系统。
- The needs for space environment design reliability, space environment test and space environment indemnification of space vehicle must be emphasized. 为了减少空间环境对航天器的影响作用,必须重视航天器的空间环境可靠性设计、空间环境试验以及空间环境保障。
- The tests indicate that, after the installation of the 40kg or 60kg MMS, the helicopter vibration meets the requirements of usage, and the vibration environment on the mast meets the installing requirements of the sight. 试验表明,加装40kg、60kg的桅杆式瞄准具,直升机振动满足使用要求,桅杆上的振动环境满足瞄准具装机要求。
- The paper introduces the structure of the battery, aerospace mechanics environment test criteria and simulative cycle test procedures for GEO. 简要介绍了电池组的构成以及电池组空间力学环境测试条件和模拟GEO试验制度。
- When the method is used in environment test and target devices evaluation, the high quality and high reliability DC/DC converter can be produced. 当这些方法被用于结合环境测试和目标元器件评估时,才能生产出高质量和高可靠性的DC/DC的变换器。
- A handled trackball mounted on a seat was developed aiming at future use in vibration environments. 本研究建议于振动环境下进行坐姿电脑作业时,可以利用握把式轨迹,提升操作方便性以及减少振动的影响。
- Abstract: The paper introduces the structure of the battery, aerospace mechanics environment test criteria and simulative cycle test procedures for GEO. 文摘:简要介绍了电池组的构成以及电池组空间力学环境测试条件和模拟GEO试验制度。
- Polystyrene is one of the most popular plastic material.The modified polystyrene samples were exposed in outdoor at Lasa and Mohe natural environment test stations. 摘要聚苯乙烯是目前用量最大的通用塑料之一,研究其在典型自然环境下的老化机制,对材料改性和提高产品耐候性具有重要意义。
- Type test for PLC, NC or drive products mainly focus on HW related standard test, including EMC test, environment test, safety test according to Siemens standard, national and international standard. 可编程逻辑控制器、数控产品和驱动器的型式测试,主要关注硬件有关的标准测试,包括电磁兼容测试,、环境测试和安规测试等,需要根据西门子标准和其他国家、国际标准来进行测试。
- Live Environment Testing with SAGE "赛其"系统生物生存环境试验
- For modeling the error of inertial instrument in composed overloading and vibrating environment, a modeling approach that combines analytical method with experimental method is adopted. 为了建立惯性仪表在过载振动复合环境下的误差模型,本文采用分析法和实验法相结合的建模方法,进行了试验设计,给出了模型辨识流程。
- Quality Assurance Environment Testing 质量保证环境试验
- small environment testing chamber 小型环境测试舱
- Fatigue Enhancement Mechanism of the Broadband Random Vibration Environment 宽频带随机振动环境的疲劳强度强化机理
- Environment test for marine lighting fitting 船用环境条件试验
- Fatigue Failure Analysis of Structures under Random Vibration Environment 随机振动环境下结构的疲劳失效分析