- Let us state at once, that this trunk never quitted him more. 我们现在便说清楚,这只箱子,从此以后,不会再离开他了。
- Us state laws to protect investor against fraudulent trader in securities. 保护投资者使其免上诈欺性证券交易商当的州法。
- There are already 4 US states that legalize gay marriage, including Connecticut, Iowa, Massachusetts and Vermont. 目前美国有4个州承认同性恋婚姻:康涅狄格州、爱荷华州、马萨诸塞州和佛蒙特州。
- The US state department accuses Beijing of human rights abuses in the region. 美国政府指责北京在该地区滥用人权。
- A black sheep rests in a field in Fresno in the US state of California. 一只黑绵羊在美国加州夫勒斯诺市的田野上小歇片刻.
- If someone had ranked fifth in a general exam in a US state or European country,we would probably be happy to have him. 如果有谁在美国的一个州或某个欧洲国家的统考中名列第五名,我们恐怕就会非常高兴地录取他。
- The US state of Maryland will plant a total of 360 trees to help reforest the city of Annapolis. 美国马里兰州将种植三百六十株树,协助安那波利斯市绿化。
- Fenty. a stap considered a formality since he has already said he supports the measure .there are already 4 us states that legalize gay marriage,including connecticut, Iowa, Massachusetts and Vermont. 目前,美国有4个州承认同性恋婚姻,康涅狄格州,爱荷华州,马塞诸塞州和佛蒙特州。
- These tales were told at the National Storytelling Festival, held every October in the US state of Tennessee. 这些都是美国田纳西州每年10月的国家故事节的场景。
- These tales were told at the National Storytelling Festival,held every October in the US state of Tennessee. 这些都是美国田纳西州每年10月的国家故事节的场景。
- Among the US States there are 4 so-called Commonwealth States. 在美国有四个所谓的联邦自治州。
- Spirits are taxed more heavily than beer or wine in many US states. 在美国的很多州,烈酒比啤酒和葡萄酒的税重。
- But to other people in this small town in the US state of Kentucky, Kitty is a frightening menace. 不过对美国肯塔基州这个小镇的其他居民来说,凯弟是可怕的威胁。
- Record-breaking flood waters in the US state of North Dakota have breached a dike at a school, swamping the campus. 美国北达科他州遭遇历史罕见水灾,一所学校的水坝被冲垮致使该校浸泡在水中。
- Chaired by Paul Wolfowitz, the ISAB is part of the US state department, and reports directly to Condoleezza Rice. ISAB(国际安全顾问委员会)是美国国会的一部分,这次报告有保罗沃尔福威茨主持,并直接向国务卿赖斯报告。
- N.Korea has told US it has shut down a nuclear reactor as part of a disarmament deal ,the US State Department said. 美国国务院称,北朝鲜已经通报美国,作为核裁军协议的一部分,其已经将一处核反应堆关闭。
- Tzu Chi volunteers respond to unusual winter tornados that a hit small town in the US state of Oklahoma last week. 慈济志工立即投入因为气候异常、在上周发生在奥克拉荷马州一个小镇的龙捲风救灾工作。
- The owner of a Ford dealership displays a novelty plate that shows his love in Wexford in the US state of Pennsylvania. 在美国宾州的伟克斯福德;福特经销商老闆展示一块显示他热爱福特的新颖车牌.
- The few fetter, many somewhat is free, lets us state views heartily in own domain! 少一点约束,多一份自由,让我们在自己的舞台上尽情挥洒吧!
- California is now only the second US state after Massachusetts to legalize unions between homosexuals. 继马萨诸塞州之后,加州成为美国第二个允许同性恋伴侣结婚的地方。