- Venal concubinage 受利诱的非法同居
- Venal judges are a disgrace to a country. 贪污腐败的法官是国家的耻辱。
- Concubinage and prostitution spread everywhere. 纳妾和卖淫之风四处蔓延。
- The venal policeman accepted the bribe. 贪污的警察收受贿赂。
- Most were useless rather than venal. 他们中的多数只是无能,但还没有贪赃枉法。
- A venal moving-van company had revealed her address. 一家唯利是图的搬运汽车公司把她的住址泄露了。
- I never intimidate ordinary folks. I only intimidate those venal officials. 我从来不吓唬老百姓,只吓唬那些贪官污吏。
- Now cops are just venal cowardsand no-one is keeping law and order in the city. 现在警察只是贪懦夫,没有人是维持法律和秩序的城市。
- A venal police officer. 贪财受贿的警官
- They inveighed against slavery, concubinage, foot binding, arranged marriage, cruel punishments, and the use of opium. 他们痛骂了反对奴隶制, 非法同居, 脚捆绑, 被安排的婚姻, 残暴的处罚, 并且对鸦片的用途。
- The institutions of slave girls, concubinage and forced marriage were also irrevocably tied to the landlord system. 蓄婢、纳妾和包办婚姻的习俗也是与地主制度分不开的。
- Concubinage, which had been almost unknown under the Japanese, was reintroduced into the island. 纳妾的陋俗在日本统治时期已经基本绝迹,现在又在岛上流行起来。
- Although concubinage and foot-binding have been outlawed, the woman's role is still considered to be in the home. 虽然非法同居和脚束缚被禁止了,妇女的角色仍然认为是在家。
- This system of marriage and concubinage made women experience a disastrous decline in terms of their social position. 周代这种异姓嫡媵婚制,使周代女性地位一落千丈。
- They went out into the night together: the three of them. The General, the Dwarf and Venal Anatomica. 他们一起走入夜色:三个人。将军,侏儒和它。
- As that monstrosity of venal lust is no longer possible, it is no longer needed. 以金钱去购买淫欲的丑事既然不可能再存在下去,那么也就不再有需要了。
- The officers are venal, violent and incompetent, systematically pilfering the soldiers' rations. 军官们贪污、狂暴与无能,处心积虑地盗窃给战士们分发的粮食。
- A secondary emphasis was on the need to overthrow feudal practices such as foot binding, concubinage and inequality of women. 其次强调需要破除封建事物,如缠足、纳妾、轻视妇女等等;
- On balance, even the most venal political neophyte may decide it is easier to make money by getting a proper job. 总的来说,对于初入政界的人来说,即使是最唯利是图的人也可能做出这样的判断:从事一个适当的职业更容易赚钱。
- Of Arabia society much wife make, having the rule of forbidding, not be concubinage of elephantine China feudal society. 阿拉伯社会的多妻制,有着森严的规矩,并不是象中国封建社会纳妾。