- Vehicle Work Flow 飞行器工作流程
- How does work flow in these processes? 流程中的作业如何进行?
- Types are composed of fields, a form and work flow. 类型包括字段、表单和工作流。
- Furthermore, the work flow was irregular. 此外,厂里的生产流程也时断时续。
- Create departmental work flow and report timing line chart. 制定部门工作流程以及报告时间图。
- Each type of work item has a customized form and work flow. 每种类型的工作项都有自定义的表单和工作流程。
- Establishing work flow and SOP (Standard of Process). 5建立相关工作的流程和作业指导书。
- Optimize financial related policy, work flow, reports and charts. 优化相关财务政策、流程、报告和图表。
- Regard internal work flow improvement and management team combination. 注重内部流程优化和人员组合。
- Before long the informal organization will catch on to the new work flow. 不用多久,非正式的组织将适应新的工作流程。
- You can't see anyone in this workshop that supervises the work flow? 你看不见这个车间有任何 管理生产流程的人员吗?
- It has the ability of controling the deposit formed in high temperature condition , start in low temperature, and protect the engine.It make sure vehicle work wel l in any condition. 具有优良的控制高温沉淀物形成的能力和良好的低温启动性能,有效保护引擎清洁,防止生锈和腐蚀,极佳的抗磨性能,确保车辆在各种工作条件下正常运行。
- Do the changes impact the visual design or the usability and work flow of the form? 更改是否会影响窗体的视觉效果、易用性和工作流?
- These parts actually attempt to map out the work flow as the use cases progress. 随着用例进展,这些部分实际上试图制定工作流。
- How can the work flow be changed so that the process is less reactive and more planned? 如何改变作业流程使不致变动太大且依计画进行?
- However, work items can be passed around to different people on your team according to the project work flow. 但是,根据项目工作流程,工作项可能在团队中的不同人员之间传递。
- You can also create more dynamic workflows by using the new Work Flow shapes in the Work Flow Diagram template. 您也可以通过使用工作流程图模板中的新工作流形状创建更多动态工作流。
- You have sophisticated work flow and want to manage flow from one simple program. 想要一个简单的程序来管理复杂的工作流程。
- The Work Flow shapes have a new isometric 3-D style to make your diagrams look better than ever. 工作流形状具有全新的等角三维样式,使图表外观更佳。
- The database purging and archiving are complete and work flow is back to normal. 数据库清理工作已经结束,一切恢复正常了。