- Vagrant or unemployed persons 浮浪子弟
- Any unemployed person reckons as deserving government help. 任何失业人员都被认为在应得玫府帮助之列。
- Any unemployed person counts as deserving government help. 任何失业人员都应得到政府的援助。
- If the unemployed person dies during this period,his or her family can receive funeral subsidies and his or her dependants can receive pension for the deceased. 失业者在领取失业保险金期间死亡,其遗属可领取丧葬补助金和遗属抚恤金。
- People depend on their relatives, not the state, if they are poor, sick or unemployed. 当人们在穷困、病痛或失业中,他们依靠的是自己的亲戚,而不是政府。
- They started from the classical assumption that markets cleared, leaving no unsold goods or unemployed workers. 他们起步于市场出清的古典假设:货物售罄,所有工人都受到雇佣。
- A homeless or jobless person; a vagrant. 流浪汉无家可归的或失业的人; 流浪者
- In addition,the government has established an employment service system for badly-off jobless urban residents,and for older laid-off and unemployed persons. 针对城市贫困无业人员、大龄下岗职工及失业人员的就业困难,政府建立就业服务制度。
- By far the most significant factor in getting unemployed people into employment is whether an unemployed person is prepared actively to look for work. 到目前为止,促使失业人员就业的最重要的因素在于失业人员是否积极准备寻找工作。
- In addition, the government has established an employment service system for badly-off jobless urban residents, and for older laid-off and unemployed persons. 针对城市贫困无业人员、龄下岗职工及失业人员的就业困难,政府建立就业服务制度,通过出资扶植社区公益性就业组织,开展环境保洁、区保安、区服务等项目,安置特困人员就业,以及组织开展免费就业服务,取得了较好的效果。
- If the unemployed person dies during this period, his or her family can receive funeral subsidies and his or her dependants can receive pension for the deceased. 失业者在领取失业保险金期间死亡,其遗属可领取丧葬补助金和遗属抚恤金。
- A homeless or jobless person;a vagrant. 流浪汉无家可归的或失业的人;流浪者
- From 1998 to 2000, more than 13 million laid-off and unemployed persons nationwide had taken part in retraining, and the reemployment rate after six months of training had reached 60 percent. 1998年至2000年的三年间,全国各地共组织了1300多万名下岗职工和失业人员参加培训,接受培训半年后的就业率达到60%25。
- Income may be lost as the result of the death,disability,or unemployment of a family wage earner. 家庭中挣工资的人可能由于死亡、丧失劳动力或失业而使这个家庭失去收入。
- The vagrant had to beg for money. 那个流浪汉不得不乞求钱财。
- From 1998 to 2000,more than 13 million laid-off and unemployed persons nationwide had taken part in retraining,and the reemployment rate after six months of training had reached 60 percent. 1998年至2000年的三年间,全国各地共组织了1300多万名下岗职工和失业人员参加培训,接受培训半年后的就业率达到60%25。
- Income may be lost as the result of the death, disability, or unemployment of a family wage earner. 家庭中挣工资的人可能由于死亡、丧失劳动力或失业而使这个家庭失去收入。
- Living as a vagrant or a tramp. 象流浪者似的生活
- Some of these policies, such as the welfare system or unemployment insurance, try to help those members of society who are most in need. 这些政策,类似福利制度或失业保险政策,都努力去帮助那些最需要帮助的社会成员。
- From 1998 to 2000, more than 13 million laid-off and unemployed persons nationwide had taken part in retraining, and the reemployment rate after six months oftraining had reached 60percent. 1998年至2000年的三年间, 全 国各地共组织了1300多万名下岗职工和失业人员参加培训,接受培训半年后的就业率达到60%25。