- 患近视的人一般都戴眼镜。Nearsighted people usually wear glasses.
- 人们戴眼镜以改善视力。People wear glasses to improve their vision.
- 你的眼镜就在这儿桌子上。Your glasses are right here on the table.
- 我需要买一副新的眼镜架。I need to buy new spectacle frames.
- 他戴着老式的眼镜。He was wearing old-fashioned glasses.
- 她看到他摘下了他的眼镜。She saw he had removed his glasses.
- 一副眼镜架在他的鼻尖上。A pair of spectacles is perched near the end of his nose.
- 我的眼镜老是模糊不清。My glasses kept clouding up.
- 她傲慢地从眼镜的上方向我审视。She survey me haughtily over the top of her glasses.
- 我的眼镜需要校准。My eye glasses need adjusting.
- 这眼镜不会碎。These eye glasses will not shatter.
- 你有戴眼镜么?Do you wear glasses?
- 他总是戴着眼镜。He always has on spectacles.
- 他是眼镜商。He is an optician.
- 这副眼镜真漂亮!Aren't these glasses beautiful?
- 为了更好的看到而带上眼镜的人。a person who wears spectacles in order to see better.
- 戴眼镜那个人是律师。The man in spectacles is a lawyer.
- 他戴着一副眼镜。He wears a pair of glasses.
- 我老是将眼镜乱放而找不到。I'm always misplacing my glasses.
- 暗色的眼镜dark glasses