- I w v h, b I w t c. I m s s m. I s b m c n t. 苏珊:我学习得很努力了,但就是太粗心,犯了一些愚蠢的错误。我下次得更细心一些。
- Y, a w g t u h p f t p f p o i.I n v h f u t c u w t m f d p. 本杰明:可以,我们可以用城市住房公积金来支付一部分,付头款对我们来说也不是很难。
- AIM: To subclone the V L gene and V H genes of anti HBsAg and construct the single chain Fv gene and to analyse the expression of the constructed gene in COS 7 cells. 目的 :构建抗人HBsAg单链抗体基因 ,并分析其在COS 7细胞中的表达。
- Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used to amplify the region of V K and V H from Fab of SZ51, and scu PA 32k(leu144 l eu411) from urokinase gene, respectively. 通过聚合酶链式反应(PCR),分别从SZ51的Fab片段基因中扩增出VK和VH区; 从尿激酶原基因中扩增出scu?PA?32k基因。
- TOP 10 and induced with IPTG. The expressed V H protein and normal mouse IgG(nmIgG) were labeled with 99m Tc by an improved pretining method and then injected into nude mice bearing human ovarian carcinoma by tail vein for RII. 重组子转化大肠杆菌TOP10 ;IPTG诱导表达VH 融合蛋白 ;经改进氯化亚锡法进行锝 ( 99mTc)的标记 ;在卵巢癌裸鼠皮下瘤模型上进行RII.
- The comedian soon had them rolling in the aisles. 那滑稽演员很快就逗得他们捧腹大笑。
- The national debts of that country are rolling up. 那个国家的国债在不断地增加。
- O! I s t h t. T i v u a w h f p f t r s e d. 服务员:哦!很抱歉听您这么说。这种事很少发生。我们每天从固定的供应商进货。
- He's a rolling stone and got no where all his life. 他见异思迁,毕生一事无成。
- Smoke was rolling up from the burning oil up smoke. 正在燃烧的汽油箱上浓烟滚滚。
- I h t y p v g s, s w I n a m, I c y g f. 本杰明:听说你们的服务做得很好,所以现在我需要搬家,就先找你们了。
- T h a t i s t o s a y , I l o v e y o u . 实际就是重复重复再重复!下面的句子实际上就三个字I l o v e y o u !
- The ship was rolling heavily to and fro. 那船晃来晃去很不平稳。
- The name is T h e t u b e v i e w s . 有外国媒体记者现场采访,其后大批警察行动抓人,部分访民被带走。
- Friction causes a rolling ball to stop finally. 摩擦力使滚动的球最终停了下来。
- She powdered the rolling pin with flour. 她洒了点面粉在赶面棒上。
- The shop-front is fitted with rolling shutters. 那商店的店面装有卷动门帘。
- A rolling stone gathers no moss. 滚石不生苔。
- The house stands in 500 acres of rolling parkland. 那所房子周围有500英亩起伏不平的草地。
- Her improvident speech at the meeting has set a stone rolling. 她在会上的发言缺乏远见,已产生严重后果。