- 别摆出一副严父的架势。Don't come the stern father.
- 他卷起袖子,摆开了架势。He tucked up his sleeves and squared his elbows.
- 她摆好架势对付那个无赖。She squared up to that rogue.
- 他摆出一副贵族的架势。The put on the air of an aristocrat.
- 他做出要打她的架势.He made as if to strike her.
- 两个敌手摆好架势,看来非打出手不可了。The two antagonists squared up to each other in a most determined way.
- 我摆出的一副对抗架势令他暴跳如雷。It needled him that I put on a bold front
- 摆出一副吓人的架势assume an intimidating posture
- 铃一响,两位拳击手就摆好一决高低的架势。The two boxes squared off when the bell rang.
- 名人架势也非管用。So much for star status.
- 我不太愿意摆出一副义愤填膺的架势来。I am a little shy of any assumption of moral indignation.
- 亨利像一个经过名师传授的拳击家那样摆好防御的架势。Henry places himself on guard in the manner of well taught boxer.
- 摆出一副海上霸主的架势assume the posture of lord of the seas
- 摆出乒坛皇后王楠的架势。She postured like Wang Nan, the ping pong queen.
- 摆出交战或争吵的架势或腔调a belligerent gesture or tone
- 他走起路来一副了不起的架势。He walked with an air of importance.
- 他母亲以一种目空一切的架势一声不响地盯着我His mother eyed me in silence with a supercilious air
- 他脱掉上衣,摆出一副打架的架势。He tore off his coat and assumed a fighting posture.
- 看他们的架势,是来找碴打架的。They seem to have come only to pick a quarrel with us.
- 挨耳光的水手立即拉开架势--英国架势--要痛打艾布纳。The slapped man quickly squared off, British fashion, to demolish Abner.