- 金属V型带CVTMetal V-Belt CVT
- 金属推块V型带CVT在高速的非稳态动力学On the Transient Dynamics of A Metal Pushing V-Belt CVT at High Speeds
- 型的thysanuriform
- 带给bear
- T型带T-belt
- V型v shape
- V型决V - block
- Ⅴ型带Ⅴ-belt
- V型槽V shaped notch
- V型塔V-Tower
- 推型带Push belt
- V型架V shaped frame
- V型镜V-scope
- GB/T994-1977td型带式输送机螺旋拉紧装置基本参数与尺寸Screw thread belt tighteners for type TD belt conveyor--Specifications
- V型块V-block
- V型墩V-type pier
- GB/T996-1977td型带式输送机车式拉紧装置基本参数与尺寸Trolley type belt tighteners for type TD belt conveyor--Specifications
- V型角Angle of V type
- V型铣削V - milling correction
- GB/T995-1977td型带式输送机垂直拉紧装置基本参数与尺寸Vertical belt tighteners for type TD belt conveyor--Specifications