- (311-382)把《圣经》从希腊文翻译成哥特式文的基督教教主。a Christian Bishop who translated the Bible from Greek into Gothic (311-382).
- 测253Ce253
- 陕253Shann 253
- 结果显示,在转染后36h得到最大化表达,其A450达到0.382。 在36到60h时间范围内,NP蛋白表达量基本没有变化(在48h和60h的A450分别为0.385和0.387)。The results showed that the NP gene was expressed to the highest level at 36h after transinfection with the A_(450) value of 0.382. From 36 h to 60 h after transinfection, the expression of NP gene was stable ~the A_(450) value at 48h and 60h was 0.385 and 0.387, respectively).
- 嘉育253Jiayu253
- 社区发热儿童253例临床回顾分析The Clinical Retrospective Analysis to 253 Dis ease Cases for Community Feverish Children
- 连接字符串长度必须小于253个字符。The connection string must be less than 253 characters in length.
- 嵌顿性胆囊结石行腹腔镜胆囊切除253例Laparoscopy in treating stone incarceration cholecystitis of gallbladder: 253 cases report
- 而转基因的253 J细胞出现细胞凋亡。Apoptotic cells were observed in transgenic 253J cells.
- 优质高产晚籼新组合博优253高产制种技术High-yielding reproduction techniques of high quality,high-yielding new combination of indica type cate hybrid rice Boyou 253
- 金优253免耕抛栽秧苗的根系生长与立苗特性Root growth and standing characteristics of Jinyou 253 seedlings under no-tillage with cast transplantation
- 肺心病并发多脏器功能衰竭253例临床分析Cor pulmonale complicated with multiple organ failure:Clinical analysis of 253 cases
- 强筋型优质小麦新品种陕253主要特征特性研究Studies on Main Characters of A New Wheat Variety Shaan 253 with Strong Gluten and Good quality
- 富勒是美国和加拿大神学院联盟承认的253个学院之一。Fuller is one of253 schools a credited by the Association of Theological Schools in the US and Canada.
- cDNA序列为759bp,编码253个氨基酸,具有5个WD结构域。Its opening reading-frame(ORF) is 759bp, and encodes a 253 amino acid peptide.
- 优质、高产、多抗早籼中熟杂交稻新组合金优253的选育及应用Breeding and ultilization of high quality, high-yielding and multiresistant new combination of middle-maturity early indica hybrid rice Jinyou253
- 结果:上述4组之间的IIEF-5得分没有统计学差异(P=0.253)。There was no significant difference in the IIEF-5 scores either between the vasculogenic group and the non-vasculogenic one (P=0.253) or among different groups of the vasculogenic ED patients.
- 电话: 212/963-8302(只有北美洲可以使用: 1-800-253-9646);Phone: 212/963-8302 (North America only: 1-800-253-9646).
- 紫外线灯为广东雪莱特生产的单端紫外线灯,其功率为40 W,峰值波长为253.7 nm;the single ended UV lamp is manufactured by Guangdong Bright Star Company Ltd. with rated power 40 W and peak wavelength 253.7 nm;