- Utah redbud 犹他紫荆
- But he still flits in the leafless redbud. 但它却仍然在没有叶子的美国紫荆丛中飞来飞去。
- Shelly attends a cow college in southern Utah. 雪莉在犹他州南部上一所乡间学院。
- The sweetish redbud nectar was unforgetable. 甜美的紫花花蜜在我齿颊留香.
- Utah has a very low infant death rate. 犹他洲的婴儿死亡率很小。
- Redbud splendidly in full bloom. 紫花亮丽盛开.
- With a handful of redbud blossoms. 加一手把紫花.
- Have you ever skied the powder in Utah? 你在犹他州滑过雪吗?
- Welcome to San Juan County, Utah's Canyon Country! 欢迎光临圣胡安县,犹他州的峡谷区!
- The railroad tracks join together in Utah. 火车铁轨在犹他州相连。
- UTAH: Should Utah Revise Sex Ed? 美国犹他州:应该修正性教育方案吗?
- Still no sign of those 6 trapped miners in Utah. 犹他州六名被困矿工仍无音讯。
- Carlos Boozer led Utah with 20 points. 爵士方面;布泽尔得到最高的20分.
- Johnny Utah: The correct term is Babes, sir. 约翰尼:正确的说法是小妞。
- Controversy has also surfaced in Ohio and Utah. 俄亥俄州和犹他州也出现了如此的争议。
- Conversely, Utah has lost 10 of 13. 相反;犹他最近13场却输了10场.
- Saul, do you get out to Utah much? 索尔,你不常离开犹他州吧?
- More than 32,000 Native Americans live in Utah. 犹他州境内住有32,000馀位美国原住民。
- Within six years, Utah had won statehood. 6年后,犹他州加入联邦。
- Deciduous tree style such as maple, oak, elm, dogwood, redbud, etc. 落叶类树包括枫、橡木、榆树、茱萸、紫荆等等。