- Usui Shigeo 臼井滋夫(1926-),日本人,检察官。
- The old folks'departure grieved Shigeo. 老两口的离去使茂雄怅然若失。
- Q. Does Usui Reiki Ryoho only heal illness? 问题:臼井灵气疗法只治愈疾病?
- The old folks' departure grieved Shigeo. 老两口的离去使茂雄怅然若失。
- Q. How does Usui Reiki Ryoho work? 问题:臼井灵气疗法如何做?
- Q. Can any illness be cured by Usui Reiki Ryoho? 问题:有任何的疾病是由臼井灵气疗法治愈的吗?
- Usui Reiki Ryoho does not only heal illness. 臼井灵气不仅仅只是治疗疾病。
- Reiki levels V and VI are not given directly from Mikao Usui. 灵气阶级五和六,并不是直接被臼井?男所给予的。
- Q. Then, can anybody receive Denju of Usui Reiki Ryoho? 问题:然后,任何人能接受臼井灵气疗法的传授吗?
- Usui Reiki Ryoho is materialized the healing power that human has. 臼井灵气被赋与人类有实现治愈力量。
- Q. Does Usui Reiki Ryoho use any medicine and are there any side effects? 问题:臼井灵气疗法做时使用任何的药会有任何的副作用吗?
- The methods for attaining zero-defect software borrow heavily from the Japanese engineer Shigeo Shingo's pioneering work on zero-defect manufacturing. 这些旨在完成零缺陷软件的方法,很大程度上借鉴了日本工程师新乡重夫的零缺陷生产的开创性工作。
- Police believe that Shigeo Kodama, 54, amassed the 3,977 panties, 355 bras and 10 pairs of stockings over a six-year period. 据警方消息,54岁的重郎儿玉在六年的时间里共“收藏”了3997条内裤、355件文胸和10双长统袜。
- Police believe those Shigeo Kodama, 54, amassed the 3,977 panties, 355 bras and 10 pairs of stockings over a six-age period. 据警方消息,54岁的重郎儿玉在六年的时间里共“收藏”了3997条内裤、355件文胸和10双长统袜。
- She merely uses the reiki as she would Usui Reiki, and invokes a symbol if she feels it is needed. 当她如此做时,她只使用臼井灵气,而且唤起一个灵气符号如果她感觉它是不可或缺的。
- Directed by Tanaka Shigeo and produced by the Dai Nippon Film Company, the film featured an all Japanese cast but a few Hong Kong film personalities were also involved. 该片由田中重雄导演,参演者主要为日本演员,一些香港影人亦有参与摄制。
- Police found a body in Gunma Prefecture Saturday morning a week after Japanese cartoonist Yoshito Usui was reported missing. 据日本媒体报道,就在人气漫画"蜡笔小新"作者臼井仪人失踪一周后,日本警方于周六早些时候在群马县发现一具男尸。
- Usui Reiki Ryoho's missions are to lead peaceful and happy life, heal others and improve happiness of others and ourselves. 如果我们的精神很健康而且遵照真理去做,身体将自然地变得很健康。
- It is advised that it can be given to any student of Usui Reiki Level II or above, primarily because of the large number of symbols. 它被建议它能对臼井灵气等级2或之上的任何学生,主要地因为它有大量灵气符号。
- The first replantation of a severed thumb in Japan was performed successfully by Dr Shigeo Komatsu and Susumu Tamai in the Department of Orthopedics, Medical University of Nara Prefecture. 日本第一例成功的断指再植由奈良县立医科大学骨科的小松重雄和玉井进医师完成。