- User Test Instrumentation Plan 用户测试实施计划
- Suzhou Dongling Vibration Test Instrument Co., Ltd. 苏州东菱振动试验仪器有限公司。
- Grasp each correlative microscope and test instrument. 掌握各种相关的目检和测试设备。
- Q: How do you handle user testing? 你们是如何把握用户测试的?
- Be familiar with test instrument besides power supply, oscillograph. 示波器等测试仪器应用。
- Received training of electrical industry test special case and test instrument. 有电子行业相关测试专案,测试仪器等方面相关培训。
- The facilitator is responsible for keeping everybody disciplined and the user test on the right track. “主持人”负责使每个人遵守纪律,使用户测试活动在正常的轨道上。
- Shenzhen Zhundian Testing Instrument INC. 深圳市准点仪器有限公司。
- Chengde Jinjian Testing Instrument Co., Ltd. 承德市金建检测仪器有限公司。
- Shanghai Jiabiao Testing Instrument Co., Ltd. 上海市嘉标测试仪器有限公司。
- Since AVL LIST GmbH was founded in 1948, it has become the world’s largest privately owned independent supplier of engine engineering services and engine test instrumentation. 公司简介:奥地利AVL李斯特内燃机及测试设备公司自1948年成立以来,已经发展成为世界上最大的、私有的、独立的发动机咨询公司与发动机测试设备供应商。
- User testing often helps finding out whether a product has hit the mark. 用户测试往往有助于核实产品是否已达标。
- It is the main task of the architecture design to define components' properties,to serially store user test programs,to detach the data flow from control flow and to drive the data and control by lines. 实现控件各种属性设置、用户仪器测试程序的序列化存储、控件的数据流和控制流的分离 ; 利用连线实现数据驱动和控制驱动 ;
- Development of New-type Contactless Life Test Instrument for Electrical Products. 新型无触点电气产品寿命试验仪的研制。
- Engine comprehensive test instrument used for mainframe computer with a color monitor, printer. 发动机综合测试仪采用计算机为主机配有彩色显示器、打印机。
- Xing'guang Color Testing Instruments Co. 兴光测色仪器公司。
- The TTT diagram of H13 steel was investigated by full-automatic transformation test instrument(Formastor-Digital). 应用Formastor-Digital全自动相变仪测定了H13钢的退火用TTT图。
- Get whiteboarding with them from day one.Include them in key decisions.Bring them along to user testing. 从第一天开始就把这一条写在项目白板上,让他们参与到关键的决策中,并跟随进行的用户测试。
- Manage gage and test instrument in plant and responsible for calibration of gage and test instrument. 安排计量设施设备的管理,对公司的计量设备设施的校验准确性负责;
- Functional testing allows companies to create user test suites with minimal effort, enabling them to deploy higher-quality applications faster and with reduced risks and cost. 我们的功能测试能让公司以最小的努力来创建用户测试组件,使他们人配置出高质量的应用程序,速度更快且成本和风险都得到相应降低。