- The name used to refer to a specific user agent. 用于引用特定用户代理的名称。
- Bird - A colloquial expression used to refer to a communications satellite. 飞鸟-对通讯卫星的一种形象表述。
- An alternate name or label used to refer to the same element or a point in a program. 一个别名或替换标号,可用来指程序中的某一数据元素或某一位置。
- Willow? Well, it is used to refer to a woman who is not loyal to her hasband or any person lacking perseverance or changeable. 柳树?啊,这被用来指一个对丈夫不忠的女人或者任何缺乏坚持性、易变的人。
- Used to refer to oneself as speaker or writer. 我正在说话或写作的人用来称自己
- Used to refer to a self - governing, autonomous political unit voluntarily associated with the United States, namely, Puerto Rico and the Northern Mariana Islands. 和美国联盟的自治区用于指自管、自治的政治单位,与美国自愿联合,例如波多黎各和北马里亚纳群岛
- All the past tenses are used to refer to past time. 所有过去时态用以描述与过去有关的时间。
- The DN is used to refer to the entry unambiguously. 该DN被用来明确引用该条目。
- The era name is the name a calendar uses to refer to a period of time reckoned from a fixed point or event. 纪元名称是日历用来指代从某个固定点或事件计算的一段时间的名称。
- Refers to a bit(or bits) used to store one bit of information. A flag has two stable states and is the software analogy of a flip-flop. 指一位(或一些位), 用来存储一位信息。标记有两种状态,而且是一个触发器的软件模拟。
- Physics used to be very much a male domain. 物理学曾在很大程度上是男人的领域。
- Fishes is used to refer to different species of fish. fishes形式是用以指鱼的不同品种。
- It is now used to refer to anything worshipped undeservedly. 现在指一切不应该崇拜的东西。
- Used to refer to the man or boy previously mentioned or implied. 他用来指代前面提到或暗示到的男子或男孩。
- "Ta" and "ta men" are used to refer to the third person in Chinese. 汉语中的第三人称用“他”和“他们”表示。
- "Wo" and "wo men" are used to refer to the first person in Chinese. 汉语中的第一人称用“我”和“我们”来表示。
- Shih: A deified ancestor. Used to refer to the Wu Lung's Avatar. 始:一个被神化了的先祖。也指巫龙的化身。
- Smog used to bring London traffic to a standstill. 过去伦敦的交通常因烟雾而受阻。
- This column displays the database link used to refer to the remote package. 此列显示用于引用远程包的数据库链接。
- Is the name used to refer to the physical file in all Transact-SQL statements. 是在所有Transact-SQL语句中引用物理文件时所使用的名称。