- Urban growth preferences 城市发展偏好
- The urban growth created many problems. 城市的成长产生了许多问题。
- Poor people were make up most of the urban growth. 穷人将弥补城市增长的大部分。自然增长将主要来自乡村的移民。
- Managing urban growth by using Urban Growth Boundary (UGB). 用“城市增长边界”的方式来控制城市增长。
- They does account for some really antisocial tendencies in modern urban growth. 他们的确说明了在现代城市发展中实际上存在着某种破坏社会的倾向。
- The nation is in the throes of the fastest urban growth in human history. 中国正处于人类历史上最快速的城市增长的剧痛之中。
- In areas deficient of water, urban growth and the development of high water consumption industries and agriculture shall be restricted. 在水源不足地区,应当限制城市规模和耗水量大的工业、农业的发展。
- In areas deficient of water,urban growth and the development of high water consumption industries and agriculture shall be restricted. 在水源不足地区,应当限制城市规模和耗水量大的工业、农业的发展。
- They continue to change as retailing changes in response to urban growth, the increasing role of supermarkets and increased consumer spending capacity. 由于城市发展、超级市场的不断增加以及消费者消费能力的持续增长,这些特征仍在随零售方式的变化而改变。
- At the same time, polycentric planning within the Paris-Ile-de-France region restricted the economic and urban growth to the adjacent new towns. 另外,大巴黎地区的多中心规划限制了邻近新城的经济和城市发展。
- With the rapid urban growth, understanding the urban biophysical composition and dynamical changes becomes an important research topic. 摘要随着城市的快速发展,明确城市生物物理组成和动态变化成为一个重要的研究课题。
- But rapid urban growth in the early 1800s led to the closure of the gardens and the only places left serving tea were the inns, taverns and hostelries. 然而十九世纪,快速的城市化发展使许多花园消失的无影无踪,仅有一些旅店、客栈和酒馆保留了茶类的供应。
- As urban growth increased pressure on available properties, households were forced to share existing dwellings or occupy land informally. 当可用的住所不能满足城市发展需要时,几家人不得不共用住宅或者非法占有土地。
- It is beguiling to imagine that Chongming might become a model for city planners elsewhere in China as they struggle with the fastest urban growth in the country's history. 想象一下,倘若中国其他地区的规划者们都以崇明为榜样,那将多么令人庆幸,因为中国的城市化进程正以史无前例的高速度发展。
- Honduras continues to be one of the least urbanized countries of Central America despite rapid urban growth rates. 尽管拥有较快的城市增长率,洪都拉斯仍旧是中美洲中城市化最少的国家之一。
- As one moves away from the center, the urban growth becomes ever more aimless and discontinuous, more diffuse and unfocused, except where some surviving town has left the original imprint of a more orderly life. 当人们离开市中心就会发现,除了一些遗留下来的城镇里还保留着原来那种比较有序的生活特征之外,城市的扩张显得更加杂乱无章,毫无连续性可言,更加疏散弥漫,而毫无向心性。
- Abstract: This paper discusses the value trend of urban developing policies in China from the respect of urban growth mechanism by systematically reviewing the major urban growth theories. 摘要:本文通过对城市增长理论的梳理,从城市增长的机制上探讨了我国城市发展政策的价值趋向。
- The main impediment to growth is a lack of capital. 影响发展的主要障碍是缺乏资本。
- He has been an unsung hero of the country's economic growth. 他是使这个国家经济成长的无名英雄。
- This paper refers the important issue aboutthe sustainability of post-industrial city and regionthrough the watershed restoration of Johnson Creek,widely known for its planning, citizen involvement,and urban growth management. 本文介绍的约翰逊溪流域(邻近俄勒冈州波特兰市)复原过程,涉及到后工业城市和区域可持续发展的重要课题,其实施过程以规划、市民参与和城市增长管理而闻名。