- In the 1840s an astronomer called Urbain Le Verrier noticed there was something wrong with the orbit of Mercury.The main axis of the planet's orbital ellipse shifts each time it goes round the sun. 1840年一位叫做勒威耶的天文学家发现水星的轨道有些奇怪:其椭圆轨道的主轴每当靠近太阳的时候会产生偏移。
- The achievement was Le Verrier's alone. 法国的勒威耶单独完成了这个成就。
- Le Verrier, however, realised that the orbit was shifting too fast. 可是,勒威耶却认为轨道偏移得过于快速。
- But Le Verrier thought that must be so for hisdiscovery, too. 但是LeVerrier这也正合他的发现。
- The British scientific establishment closed ranks behind Adams, whereas Le Verrier was unpopular among his colleagues. 英国科学界紧密团结,支持亚当斯,而勒威耶在同事间的人缘却不佳。
- He most certainly deserves credit as a pioneer, with Le Verrier, of applying perturbation theory to planetary motion. 他与勒威耶都是应用微扰理论解决行星运动问题的开拓者,毫无疑问。
- In a sense, neither Adams nor Le Verrier really predicted the position of Neptune. 从某个角度来观察,亚当斯与勒威耶都没有预测到海王星的位置。
- French Sacerdos Jean Joseph Fenouil 古若望司铎
- If someone had actually looked at that position on that date, they would have found Neptune about two degrees away, which is not dissimilar from the precision of Le Verrier's later prediction. 要是有人在那一天观察那个位置,一定能发现两度之外的海王星,精确度确实与勒威耶后来的预测相当。
- A : Joseph Charbon,je travaille dans le transport. 我是负责运输德约瑟夫.;夏蓬
- Jean has come out in spots so she's staying in bed. 琼身上出现斑点,所以正卧床休息。
- Joseph Charbon,je travaille dans le transport. 我是负责运输德约瑟夫.;夏蓬
- He is named Joseph, but is called Joe. 他取名约瑟夫,但人叫他乔。
- What is her name? Her name is Jean. 她叫什么名字?她的名字叫珍。
- They christened the child Joseph. 他们给受洗的孩子取名为约瑟夫。
- I told you that in confidence so why did you tell Jean about it? 我是私下告诉你的,你怎么又告诉了琼呢?
- Jean: I'm not sure, Billy. I feel dizzy and nauseated. 琴:我不确定,比利,我感觉昏眩作呕。
- Jean Joseph Ghislain 吉德明(1751-1812),比利时人,来华传教士。
- Jean Joseph Marie Amiot 钱德明
- Jean Joseph Fenouil 古分类(1821-1907),法国人,来华传教士。