- Upwind Aim Point 逆风瞄准点
- A central dot was added for a further aiming point. 还为更远的瞄准点增加了一个中央圆点。
- In this paper, an aim point definition of warship is presented: the cross position of engine cabin and waterline. 文中给出了一种舰船目标要害点的定义,即吃水线与动力舱的交叉部位;
- Key mouse game with the target aiming point out menu. 游戏用鼠标键瞄准靶心,点左键出击。
- Mouse aiming point shooting left mouse button, the space bar on bullets. 鼠标瞄准,点鼠标左键射击,空格键上子弹。
- It is now our aim to set up a factory. 我们现在的目的是创办一座工厂。
- Aim Point Guidance Law Design in Space Interception 空间拦截的目标攻击点制导规律研究
- This allows the aiming point to be always illuminated without the use of batteries. 这样可以保持瞄准点总能被照亮,而不用电池。
- "Now is the time to prepare myself for firing my guns." I set more convenient behind the aiming point and started to choose my shot target. “好吧,现在轮到我准备射的时候了。”我在飞到了更容易射得瞄准点之后并开始选择我的靶子。
- From the proximal approach, the distal aiming point is the center of the scaphotrapezial joint or the base of the thumb. 近侧入路时,远侧瞄准点为舟大三角骨关节中心或拇指基底部。
- The chief aim of man is not to get money. 人的主要目的并不是赚钱。
- From the distal approach, the proximal aiming point is the ulnar proximal corner of the scaphoid at the insertion of the scapholunate ligament. 远侧入路时,近侧瞄准点为舟月韧带部位的舟状骨尺侧近角。
- He aim to streamline the office. 他的目标是提高办公室的工作效率。
- We must aim for world peace in the long term. 我们要争取持久的世界和平。
- Only after a bitter struggle was the aim achieved. 这个目的只有经过艰苦的斗争才能达到。
- The Tritium illuminates the aiming point in total darkness, and the fiber-optic self-adjusts reticle brightness during daylight according to ambient light conditions. 三重氢照明被用在完全黑暗状态,而视觉纤维(自动调节)用在白天或者可以说在有外界光线的情况下。
- If we're upwind of the animal it may smell our scent. 要是我们处于那动物的上风位置,它就能闻到我们的气味。
- At this point your logic is at fault. 在这一点上你的推理是错误的。
- We aim for a quick turnover of stock in our stores. 我们的目的是要加速本百货店的库存周转。
- The RIGS heads up display can be deployed for applications such as the rendition of flight, navigation, and sighting data with aiming point and target reticule. RIGS平视显示器可以用于表演飞行、导航以及视觉瞄准和目标标线。