- Unjust law is not law. 不公正的法律不是法律。或:恶法非法。
- unjust law is not law 恶法非法
- A court of law is not infallible. 法院并非全无错误。
- This law is not enforced at the present time. 目前该法停止强制执行。
- The existing law is not wholly satisfactory. 现行法律并不是十分完善的。
- The Law Is not a Stumbling Block? 类别股东表决机制合法吗?
- Newton's law is not applicable to any case. 牛顿定律并不适合于任何情况。
- Such a strict law is not easily enforceable. 这样严竣的法令不易实施.
- I would agree with Saint Augustine that "An unjust law is no law at all. 我赞成圣奥古斯丁的话:“一个不公正的法律就根本不是法律。”
- The law is not the same at morning and at night. 早上的法令跟晚上的不一样; 朝令夕改。
- Instead, the positivist will retreat to the original position that physical or even violent enforcement is necessary to make law “law,” and hence international law is not “law. 相反,实证法学者撤消了他们先前的观点,即认为使法律成为“法律”强制执行是必要的,因此国际法不是“法”。
- In a word, what counts is not law but public-mindedness. 总而言之,要紧的不是法律而是公德心。
- St.Augustine said, "An unjust law is no law at all," which means I have a right,even a duty, to resist. 圣奥古斯丁说,“不公正的法律根本不能称之为法律,”也就是说我有权利,甚至有责任去反抗。
- It is not lawful to park in front of a hydrant. 在消火栓前停车是不合法的。
- The law is not the best instrument for dealing with family matters. 法律并不是处理家庭问题的最佳方法。
- Streams of tears flow from my eyes, for your law is not obeyed. 我的眼泪下流成河,因为他们不守你的律法。
- The law is not justified as a protection of personal safety. 作为对个人安全的保护,该法是不正当的。
- Unjust laws are not laws. 非正义的法律不是法律。
- This is not lawful, but internal information is often wrong. 这不合法,而且内部消息往往是错误的。
- In sum, due to the aforementioned reasons, disobeying and resisting unjust laws is as important as obeying just laws and, by this way, our society can be stable and orderly. 论点清楚,但论证不是很有力,语言不够精炼,我只把比较确定的改了,还有很多语法,用词有可能有问题的地方。以上纯属本人愚见,哈哈,批判性的接受