- He worked as an instrument maker at the University of Glasgow. 他工作的一种手段制造商在格拉斯哥大学。
- Thes pictures were designed and developed by Mr. Phillippe G.Schyns and Aude Oliva of The University of Glasgow. 这是格拉斯哥大学的菲利普先生和奥利维先生设计的奇异图片。
- These pictures were designed and developed by Mr. Phillippe G.Schyns and Aude Oliva of The University of Glasgow. 这是格拉斯哥大学的菲利普先生和奥利维先生设计的奇异图片。
- Watt was originally an instrument maker who realised the inefficiency of Newcomen's engine when he was asked to repair a model of one at the University of Glasgow. 瓦特曾专门负责制造工具,当他被请到格拉斯哥大学去修理一台纽科门发动机时,他意识到它的不足。
- According to Peter Vanezis of the University of Glasgow, his right rib cage is deformed and there are possible fractures of the third and fourth ribs. 根据英国格拉斯哥大学法医学教授凡那齐说,奥兹的右肋笼变形了,可能是第三、对肋骨骨折的结果。
- Scientists at the Hunterian museum at the University of Glasgow are still unsure exactly what kind of beasts left the tracks. 格拉斯古大学赫特莱恩博物馆的科学家们仍无法确定这是何种野兽所留下的足迹。
- University of Glasgow: Glasgow,G12 8QQ; tel.(141)339-8855; telex 777070; fax (141)330-4808; f.1451; Chancellor-Alexander Cairncross. 哈尔大学:哈尔;1927年成立;校长-阿姆斯特朗。
- Research by academics at the University of Glasgow suggests that moderate alcohol consumption may improve the function of older women's brains.? 苏格兰格拉斯哥大学科学家的研究指出,适量饮酒有助于改善老年妇女的脑部功能。?
- Dunlop M.D. [1991]. Multimedia Information Retrieval,Ph.D. Thesis. Computing Science Department, University of Glasgow, Report 199l/R21. 黄博士,网络环境下的图像检索技术,中国计算机用户,2003.;12
- An introduction to research environment at University of Glasgow, including interviews with international students about their research experiences. 介绍格拉斯哥大学的学术研究,并访问留学生在该校项目研究的体验。
- In 1763 a Scotch scientist, James Watt, then employed in making astronomical instruments for the University of Glasgow, was given a model of one of Newcomen's engines to repair. 1763年,苏格兰的科学家詹姆斯 - 瓦特受雇为格拉斯哥大学制作天文仪器。 人们交给他一部纽柯曼引擎的模型,让他修理。
- Dickson, professor of archaeobotany and plant systematics at the University of Glasgow, is recipient of the Neill Medal of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. 狄克森是英国格拉斯哥大学古植物学与植物分类学教授,得过爱丁堡皇家学会尼尔奖。
- A team at the University of Glasgow found vitamin C (ascorbic acid) mopped up potential cancer-causing compounds that are made when saliva and food mixes with stomach acid. 英国格拉斯哥大学研究人员发现,维他命C(抗坏血酸)能清除可能致癌的混合物,这些混合物是当唾液与食物及胃酸混合时所产生。
- "We were interested in exploring the effects of alcohol on memory, thinking and cognition," said David Stott, professor of geriatric medicine at the University of Glasgow. 格拉斯哥大学老年病药学专家戴维?斯托特说:“我们非常有兴趣去探究酒精对人体记忆、思考和认知功能所产生的作用。”
- The University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK. 这所学校的中文名是什么?
- Morrison told the Jamaica Gleaner newspaper that research conducted with the University of Glasgow has identified a special component, called Actinen A, found in the "fast twitch fibres" in muscles. 莫里森告诉牙买加格宁那报说,一项由格拉斯哥大学实施的研究已经证明在肌肉的“快速启动纤维”有一种称为肌动蛋白A的特殊成份。
- However, by using analyses inspired by novel brain imaging technology, researchers at the University of Glasgow have discovered that cultural differences cause us to look at faces differently. 然而,英国格拉斯哥大学的研究人员利用新颖的脑成像技术发现,文化的差异使得人们识别面孔的方式迥然不同。
- A native or resident of Glasgow, Scotland. 格斯格人苏格兰格斯格人或市民
- "I know it's my handwriting, but I don't know how I know.I can't explain to somebody else how I do it," says Dr.Karen Renaud, a computer scientist and lecturer at the UK's University of Glasgow. “我知道这是我的笔迹,但我不清楚自己为何知道,也无法向其他人解释我是如何做到这一点的,”英国格拉斯哥大学讲师、计算机科学家卡伦-雷诺说道。
- I enrolled at the University of Vienna. 我报名就读于维也纳大学。