- Judy Haworth Sian MacGowan Gordon Wilcock French Hospital, University of Bristol, UK. 单位:田金洲 杨承芝 袁致祥 北京中医药大学东直门医院 北京100700;
- The University of Bristol scientists uncovered the claw near Prum, Germany.It's approximately 400 million years old. 布里斯托尔大学的科学家们在德国珀拉附近发现了它。
- Researchers from the University of Bristol and Cardiff University, led by Dr Nicola J. 来自布里斯托尔大学和加的夫大学的研究人员,在NicolaJ.
- After studying Biology at Oxford University, he completed his PhD in palaeontology at the University of Bristol. 其后在牛津大学学习生物学,并在在英国布里斯托尔大学取得了古生物学的博士学位。
- The new gum, the result of polymer research at the University of Bristol, could be launched commercially in 2008, its developers said on Friday. 据该产品的开发商上周五介绍,这种新型口香糖是由英国布里斯托尔大学聚合体研究中心研发出来的,有望于明年上市。
- The new gum, the result of polymer research at the University of Bristol, could be launched commercially in 2008, its backers said on Friday. 周五,它的支持者称:这种新的口香糖是英国布里斯托尔大学对聚合体进行研究里的产物。它可能在2008年投入商业化。
- Mathan Satchi, Jonathan Temple.Growth and labor markets in developing countries[D].Working Paper, University of Bristol, January 2006. 王振中.;劳动和资本要素在美英国民收入分配中的地位[J]
- I hope that OxBridge and the University of Bristol have a successful relationship together! I wish the team a happy and prospectus future. 我希望津桥和布里斯托大学共同保持一个良好的合作关系!我祝愿津桥团队有一个欣欣向荣的未来。
- Ken Dai graduated from China University of Political Science and Law with a LL.B., and University of Bristol with LL.M. in Commercial Law. 戴健民毕业于中国政法大学 , 取得法学学士学位 , 并毕业于英国布里斯托尔大学 , 取得商法硕士学位。
- The findings come from a study of almost 9000 British families taking part in the Children Of The 90s project at the University of Bristol. 这个发现是从近9000户英国家庭参与的布里斯托尔大学关于90后孩子研究项目得出的。
- Electric Field Concentration of Pollutant Aerosols: Association with Cancer Remains to be Tested. Professor Denis L. Henshaw, PhD, H. H. Wills Physics Laboratory, University of Bristol, U.K. 摘要:电磁场聚集有害物质和尘埃可能是在电力线附近癌症风险增加的原因。
- "Older women need to be doing more physical activity. Housework probably does cut the mustard," said Dr. Shah Ebrahim, an epidemiologist and expert on aging at the University of Bristol, in southwestern England. 英格兰西南部的布里斯托尔大学的流行病学家沙阿·易卜拉欣博士说:"老年妇女需要进行更多的体育锻炼,做家务也许真的可以起到一定作用。"
- "Older women need to be doing more physical activity. Housework probably does cut the mustard," said Dr. Shah Ebrahim,an epidemiologist and expert on aging at the University of Bristol,in southwestern England. 英格兰西南部的布里斯托尔大学的流行病学家沙阿·易卜拉欣博士说:“老年妇女需要进行更多的体育锻炼,做家务也许真的可以起到一定作用。”
- The study led by Peter Rogers and Lindsay St.Claire at the University of Bristol in the UK,did discover that only men working in teams could feel less pressure after enjoying a cup of coffee. 由英国布里斯托大学的彼得·罗杰斯和琳赛·圣克莱尔的进行研究确实发现只有在团队中工作的人喝完咖啡后才可能会感到压力有所减轻。
- Commenting on the findings published in this week's edition of the medical journal The Lancet, Edwin Gale, diabetes expert at Britain's University of Bristol, warned against complacency. 针对医疗期刊发布的这一研究结果,英国不里斯托尔大学的糖尿病专家。
- The study led by Peter Rogers and Lindsay St.Claire at the University of Bristol in the UK, did discover that only men working in teams could feel less pressure after enjoying a cup of coffee. 由英国布里斯托大学的彼得·罗杰斯和琳赛·圣克莱尔的进行研究确实发现只有在团队中工作的人喝完咖啡后才可能会感到压力有所减轻。
- The University of Bristol of United Kingdom.Franks and Tom.Richardson take the so-called Tennessee nipple ants running experiment, in experiment the two ants run between the its hole and food. 英国布里斯托尔大学的奈尔杰.;弗兰克斯和汤姆
- I enrolled at the University of Vienna. 我报名就读于维也纳大学。
- Arrive at University of Maryland. 抵达马里兰大学。
- She is a postgraduate at the University of Chicago. 她是芝加哥大学的一名研究生。