- University Research Initiative 大学研究倡议
- To encourage this line of enquiry, Sir Tim last year helped to establish the Web Science Research Initiative (WSRI), a collaboration between MIT and the University of Southampton. 为了对此领域更进一步的研究调查,迪姆阁下在去年协助建立起了万维网科学研究机构(WSRI),这是美国马萨诸塞州科学技术研究所与英国英格兰南安普敦大学之间的一个合作机构。
- Traditional principles of university research being curiosity-driven. 传统的大学科研原则有三个特点,惟独没有。
- HINARI, the Health InterNetwork Access to Research Initiative, was launched in 2002 to provide free or low-cost access to medical research in developing countries. “卫生领域研究网络计划”(HINARI)于2002年正式启动,目的是能提供免费或廉价获取发展中国家卫生研究成果。
- SUPCON was founded in 1993 as an outgrowth of research initiatives at Zhejiang University. 中控创立于1993年,是浙江大学众多研究计画的一项产出。
- University research on IT has been a major beneficiary of public funding for research and development. 大学所进行的资讯科技研究,一直是政府对研究及发展工作资助的主要受惠者。
- The traditional principles of university research being curiosity-driven free and widely available will suffer. 可知,传统的大学科研原则有三个特点,惟独没有。
- Three years experience in foreign university research institution of appraising and studying new medicines. 三年国外大学研究院新药评价研究经验。
- "Research on Strategy and Management of E-business", IBM SUR(Shared University Research) Project. “电子商务的支撑环境”,复旦大学电子商务交叉学科重点课题。
- However, an Oxford University research suggests this perception is open to question. 然而,一份牛津大学的调查表明,这种理解有待商榷。
- And the key to achieving this transformation in the research of the University research study. 而实现这一转变的关键是在研究型大学开展研究性学习。
- The Complex Materials and Nonlinear Physics Laboratory at Clark University Research Emphasis: Granular Matter; Quantum Chaos; Biological Physics. Clark大学复杂材料与非线性物理实验室。
- Some of our university research institutes focus on technology that has little chance of ever being profitable or even marketable. 我国有些大学研究所开发的技术难以产生效益,甚至找不到市场。
- Adam Stow, a member of the university research team, said: "They do look fairly formidable, but they are not people-eaters. 麦加里大学的生物学家们说:“沙锥齿鲨的样子看起来很可怕,但它们不是食人的动物。
- Health InterNetwork Access to Research Initiative; 卫生互联网共享研究成果倡议;
- The method of instruction is based on more than 20 years of university research on how Westerners learn Chinese in China, Hong Kong, Australia and North America. 经过了20多年研究西方人如何在中国,香港,澳大利亚和北美学习中文从而开创了该教学法。
- University research will be completed by the student during the first semester as part of the research project course, though that course will focus on primary research methods. 大学研究将由学生完成在第一学期期间作为研究计划路线一部分,虽然那条路线将集中于主要研究方法。
- "I've seen this before from other university research groups and there is a world of difference between nice results in the lab and commercially viable products," Leggett said. "我以前从其他大学的研究团体看到过(类似报告)。在完美的实验室中的效果和产品商业化之间还是有一定距离的。”
- Think tanks and university research institutes are nonprofit organizations that have been developed to provide settings for experts in various academic disciplines. 智囊团和大学的研究机构是非盈利组织,它的设立主要是为专家提供各种学术研究设备。
- According to NICTA’s Networked Systems Research Group Manager, Max Ott, NADA gives NICTA the opportunity to build on existing research initiatives and test its research results. 据nicta的网络化系统研究组经理,最高欧特,纳达给nicta的机会,建立在现有研究的倡议和测试它的研究成果。