- Some areas in Gansu Province are in want of water. 甘肃省的一些地方缺水。
- I first came here to volunteer in Gansu province. 我第一次来是档志愿者,在甘肃省。
- B: I was born in a small city in Gansu Province. 甘肃省的一个小城。
- Chankou-Liuzhou Expressway in Gansu Province . 甘肃巉口至柳沟高速公路。
- Research on Relation between Norm Reaching of Students'Physical Fitness and Dietetic Condition in Normal Universities in Gansu Province 甘肃省师范类高校学生身体素质达标与饮食状况关系研究
- Last month they made a small find in Gansu province. 上月他们在甘肃省发现了少量的走私象牙。
- Longnan City in Gansu Province Wudu area a slight tremor was felt. 甘肃陇南市武都区有轻微震感。
- Universities in Gansu Province 甘肃省高校
- Most Dongxiang minority people live in Gansu Province. 东乡族主要居住在我国的甘肃省。
- Mazongshan region is the only contiguous area with Mongolia in Gansu province. 马鬃山地区是甘肃省与蒙古国接壤的唯一地区。
- Hui County in Gansu Province is located in Dongguan Dong Huiguan cun inhabited. 位于甘肃省徽县东关回族聚居的东关村。
- The Mogao Grottos in the Hexi Corridor in Gansu Province are composed of conglomerate rock that cannot be carved. 位于甘肃河西走廊的莫高窟属于玉门系砾岩,不能雕刻,
- Analysis of results from stage aim evaluation of ellimination Iodine deficiency disorders in Gansu province. 甘肃省实现消除碘缺乏病阶段目标进程中的问题。
- Systems Analysis of Food Production and Population Capacity of the Land in Gansu Province. 甘肃省食物生产与土地人口容量的系统分析。
- Teaching high school students in a poor mountain village in Gansu Province may not sound like fun to you. 在甘肃省的一个贫困的山区教高中生对你来说可能不是一件有趣的事情。
- The Maijishan Grottos are situated in the Maiji Mountain, southeast of Tianshui County in Gansu Province. 麦积山石窟在甘肃天水县东南的麦积山上。
- A total of 42 species, 24 genera of sphinx are identified, of which 10 species are new records in Gansu province. 共获标本980号,经鉴定为42种,隶属于24属5亚科,其中甘肃省新记录10种。 区系分析表明,古北界的种类15种,占总种数的35.;7%25;
- The British Museum also holds 13,700 Buddhist records from the Dunhuang Grottoes in Gansu Province. 大英博物馆还收藏了1万3千7百件来自甘肃敦煌莫高窟的佛经。
- The model is already applied to the simulation of Shiyang River Basin in Gansu Province with a satisfactory result. 该模型在甘肃省石羊河流域进行模拟研究,其结果令人满意。
- Pass the iron ore, barite, limestone, dolomite, 5 kinds of clay minerals modeling UN top three in Gansu Province. 嘉峪关的铁矿、重晶石、石灰石、白云岩、造型粘土5种矿种居甘肃省前三位。