- United Parcel Service Int'l Inc. 联合包裹运送服务公司台湾分公司。
- In 1919, MPDC was renamed as United Parcel Service (UPS). 1919年,“商业包裹递送公司(MPDC)”被更名为“联合包裹(UPS)”。
- On the second of February 1982, a United Parcel Service truck trundled up her driveway. 一九八二年二月二日,有一辆联合邮包服务公司的卡车驶进她的车道。
- "United Parcel Service: Delivering Packages and E-Commerce Solutions", MIT Sloan School, CISR Working Paper, 2001. 联合包裹服务:发送包裹和电子商务解决方案〉;麻省理工斯隆管理学院;信息系统研究中心工作底稿;2001年.
- Perhaps my favorite was the successful entrepreneur who fantasized about being a United Parcel Service driver. 也许,我最喜欢的回答是来自一位成功的企业家,此人幻想着成为一名美国联合包裹服务送货司机。
- In 1919 the company made its first expansion beyond Seattle to Oakland, California, and adopted its present name, United Parcel Service. 1919年,公司首次扩展到西雅图以外,达到加利福尼亚州的奥克兰,并采用了它沿用到现在的名称"联合包裹运送服务公司"。
- U.S. carriers like United Parcel Service, FedEx and the U.S.Postal Service have been raising prices due to higher fuel costs. 美国运营商一样,联合包裹运送服务公司,联邦快递和美国的邮政服务已提高价格,由于较高的燃料成本。
- But the site, which has banner ads from companies like United Parcel Service, has more than 1.5 million hits a day, Germeraad said, though that number is lower than when the site first started. 但是象美国包裹服务中心这样在该网站上有广告条的公司的点击率每天超过150万次,Germeraad说这个数字虽然低于刚刚建站时的数字。
- Yamato Transport in Japan and United Parcel Service in America are among companies doing this; and now United Parcel Service in America is launching an entirely new business,going to the third,and most. important stage of electronic commerce. 日本大和运输公司和美国联合包裹托运公司现是两家正在做这种业务的公司,而且美国联合包裹托运公司现在正在开展一个全新的商务活动,也就是互联网商务活动的第三阶段,这是最令人激动的阶段。
- But the site,which has banner ads from companies like United Parcel Service,has more than 1.5 million hits a day,Germeraad said,though that number is lower than when the site first started. 但是象美国包裹服务中心这样在该网站上有广告条的公司的点击率每天超过150万次,Germeraad说这个数字虽然低于刚刚建站时的数字。
- Yamato Transport in Japan and United Parcel Service in America are among companies doing this; and now United Parcel Service in America is launching an entirely new business, going to the third, and most. important stage of electronic commerce. 日本大和运输公司和美国联合包裹托运公司现是两家正在做这种业务的公司,而且美国联合包裹托运公司现在正在开展一个全新的商务活动,也就是互联网商务活动的第三阶段,这是最令人激动的阶段。
- Founded in 1907 as a me enger company in the United States, U , or United Parcel Service Inc., has grown into a USD 36 billion corporation by clearly focusing on synchronizing global commerce. 或称为联合包裹服务公司,于1907年作为一家信使公司成立于美国,致力于推动全球商务同步发展,并已发展到拥有360亿美元资产的规模。
- Wal-Mart Stores United Parcel Service UPS 联合包裹服务公司
- United Parcel Service of America 美国联合包裹服务公司
- Is parcel service available here? 这儿办理包裹业务么?
- Answer 4: The station does not provide parcel service. 答:不办理行包用房。
- United Parcel Service 联合包裹服务(财富500强公司之一, 总部所在地美国, 主要经营邮递包裹货运)
- The freight measures in the TSI will include for-hire trucking &parcel services, freight railroad services, inland waterway traffic, pipeline movements and air freight. TSI中的货运指标包括卡车运输和包装服务,铁路运输服务,内地水路交通,管道运输和空中运输。
- The two parties have united to form a coalition. 这两个党已结成联盟。
- He was appointed ambassador to the United States. 他被任命为驻美国大使。