- Britain and the United States are ready to supporta new United Nations resolution on the reconstruction of Iraq. 英国和美国准备一起敦促联合国起草一份新的,有关伊拉克重建的决议。
- The army's move is in line with the United Nations resolution ending the Israeli offensive in Lebanon, which was aimed at neutralizing Hezbollah. 军队的这次行动是为了履行联合国结束以色列对黎军事攻击的决议,目的为削弱真主党。
- South Korea last week supported a draft United Nations resolution condemning North Korea's shocking record on human rights, notably its gulag, executions and religious repression. 联合国曾提出了一项旨在遣责朝鲜令人震惊的人权记录(主要是指朝鲜存在劳改集中营、死刑和宗教迫害等问题)的决议案,韩国在上周对此表示支持。
- The United States has vetoed a draft United Nation resolution calling on Israel not to exile Palestinian leader, Yasser Arafat. 联合国希望通过一个呼吁以色列不要驱逐巴勒斯坦领导人阿拉法特的决议草案。但是,美国却对此投了反对票。
- They say the lauch launch will violate a 2006 United Nation's Nations resolution imposed after Pyongyang tested a nuclear weapon and that it will require some form of response. 他们说发射火箭意味着破坏了2006年联合国决议,该决议是在朝鲜进行核试验之后公布的,如果违反会做出回应。
- We get United Nations resolutions that go unenforced. 我们看到联合国通过的决议形同虚设,无人执行;
- Israel ignored the new United Nations resolution demanding Israel to end the isolation policy. The resolution also urged Palestinians to bring to justice those people responsible for the terror attacks. 以色列昨天并未理会联合国新的决议案要求结束以色列采取的孤立措施,这项决议并吁请巴勒斯坦人要将多起恐怖攻击事件涉案的份子绳之以法。
- Baum pointed out that fishing for sharks in international waters is unrestricted, and she supports a recently adopted United Nations resolution calling for immediate shark catch limits. 包姆此外并指出,在公海里捕鲨是不受限制的,她同时也支持近期正式通过的、关于即刻限制捕鲨的联合国决议。
- Last week the South announced that it would vote for a United Nations resolution condemning the North's human-rights abuses, having hitherto abstained on similar resolutions. 上周,韩国曾声称它将就一项谴责朝鲜侵犯人权的联合国决议进行投票,而目前它已在类似决议中弃权。
- However, Mister Kay also noted evidence that Iraq was involved in weapons programs banned by United Nations resolutions. 但是,大卫凯也提到有迹象表明伊拉克确实有违反联合国武器禁令的相关武器。
- The results are familiar.We get United Nations resolutions that go unenforced.We get high-minded vows to police rogue regimes, but little is done. 更重要的是,在一个多极化的世界中,没有一种力量能够去仲裁各个竞争团体中存在的分歧无。
- So China's decision to back United Nations resolutions condemning North Korea, imposing sanctions and even opening up the possibility of using force broke cleanly with the past. 所以中国与过去彻底决裂,决定支持联合国的决议:谴责北朝鲜、行国际制裁,不放弃用武力解决的可能性。
- Secretary Rice and diplomats from other countries are developing United Nations resolutions to bring about a cessation of hostilities and establish a foundation for lasting peace. 国务卿莱斯和别的国家的外交官们促使联合国下决心致力于终止敌对,建立永久的和平。
- President Obama says North Korea's actions have flown in the face of United Nations resolutions banning the country from developing weapons of mass destruction. 奥巴马总统还指出,北韩的核试验也公然违反了联合国禁止发展大规模杀伤性武器的决议。
- United Nations resolution on the reconstruction of Iraq 有关伊拉克重建的联合国决议
- The matter was referred to the United Nations. 此事被提交给联合国。
- The disputes was referred to the United Nations. 这项争议已提交联合国处理。
- You should read the Charter of the United Nations. 你应该阅读一下联合国宪章。
- He sent me a postcard from the United Nations. 他从联合国给我寄来一张明信片。
- The United Nations Resolution on the Protection of Persons with Mental Illness 联合国保护精神病患者方案