- The United States Senate has a committee on ways and means. 做事或赚钱的方法。
- The tradition of unlimited debate in the United States Senate is very strong. 无边无际的辩论的传统意识在美国参议院十分强烈。
- The U.S. Capitol Building. (Photo courtesy of The United States Senate. 美国的国会大厦(照片由美国参议院提供。)
- The United States Senate refused to ratify the treaty. They repudiated President Wilson's signature. 美国参议院拒绝批准条约,否决了威尔逊总统的签署。
- From 1903 until 1961 the states of the old Confederacy elected no Republicans to the United States Senate. 从1903年到1961年,旧邦联的各州所选联邦议员中无一共和党。
- The United States Senate has long enjoyed world-wide respect as the greatest deliberative body in the world. 美国参议院长期来以世界上最杰出的慎重周到的机构赢得世人的尊敬。
- How many United States Senators are there? 联邦有多少位参议员?
- This is revisionism of the most corrupt and shameless variety. It has no place anywhere in American politics much less in the United States Senate. 这是修正主义最腐朽无耻的一种。它在美国政治中盛行,在美国参议院更甚。
- And it was this acceptance, I think, that allowed me to come up with the thoroughly cockeyed idea of running for the United States Senate. 我想正是由于这次肯定,让我有了进入美国参议院的疯狂念头。
- He has asked for $932 million of earmark pork-barrel spending, nearly a million dollars for every day that he's been in the United States Senate. 他(奥巴马)已经请求了9.;32亿美元的财政拨款,自他当上美国议员后的每一天几乎都要走了100万美元。
- But in the United States Senate, I can think of no one who engendered greater respect or affection from members of both sides of the aisle. 但在美国参议员内,我想没人在两党成员中引发的共同尊重或热爱高于他。
- He has askedfor $932 million of earmark pork-barrel spending, nearly a milliondollars for every day that he's been in the United States Senate. 他(奥巴马)已经请求了9.;32亿美元的财政拨款;自他当上美国议员后的每一天几乎都要走了100万美元。
- MCCAIN: It's well-known that I have not been elected Miss Congeniality in the United States Senate nor with the administration. 麦凯恩:众所周知我在美国议员和行政部门都不是好好先生。
- But in the United States Senate, I can think of no one who engendered greater respect or affection from members on both sides of the aisle. 但是在美国联邦参议院,我想不出还会有哪个人在参议院两党议员中比他得到更大的尊重和更深的爱戴。”
- Last month, the United States Senate passed rules to strengthen pension plans. But the House of Representatives is not likely to vote on new rules soon. 上个月美国参议院通过了加强养老退休金计划的决议,但是众议院短期内不会对其进行投票表决。
- The Jeffersonian Republican-controlled United States Senate begins an impeachment trial against Federalist-partisan Supreme Court of the United States Justice Samuel Chase. 年,由共和国控制的、支持杰斐逊的美国参议院由美国最高法院司法官萨缪尔·蔡司审判,发起一项针对北部联邦盟军-游击队的弹劾。
- The South Korean announcement comes as members of the United States Senate wrangle over a possible deal to spend about $800 billion to stimulate the collapsing American economy. 在韩国做出经济增长预测的同时,美国国会参议院正在就一项大约8千亿美元的经济刺激计划进行争论。
- The fact is anyone appointed by the governor at this point would be too severely tainted to serve the state effectively and without suspicion in the United States Senate. 其事实是这个时候州长所任命的任何人都很可能卷入此次腐败案件之中而不能有效的为伊利诺伊州服务.
- About all I can say for the United States Senate is that it opens with a prayer and closes with an investigation ---Will Rogers, US comedian, humorist, social commentator. 我对美国参议院能说的就是它以祈祷开始以 调查 结束---威尔.;罗杰斯,美国喜剧演员、幽默家、社会评论家。
- Today our country is being psychologically divided by the confusion and the suspicions that are bred in the United States Senate to spread like cancerous tentacles of "know nothing, suspect everything" attitudes. 今天,我们国家在心理上被慌乱和怀疑弄得四分五裂,这种惶惶不安的怀疑情绪从美国参议院产生,“一无所知,怀疑一切”的态度如癌细胞一般扩展蔓延。