- The uncertain problems in engineering can be solved by using probabilistic,fuzzy or interval method. 工程中的不确定性问题目前可以通过概率方法、模糊方法和区间方法来解决。
- The paper tries to solve the uncertain problems in the project investment with dynamic viewpoint, and avoid decision faults to the outmost extent. 本文探索采用动态的观点来解决不确定性的投资决策问题,最大限度地避免决策失误。
- Rough set is another tool which is dealing ambiguous and uncertain problems after theory of probability,fuzzy set and evidence theory. 粗糙集是继概率论、模糊集、证据理论之后的又一个处理含糊和不确定性的数学工具。
- When two sorts of uncertain problems are discussed, various theoretical models including Ontology model, CBR Model (Cased-Based Reason Model), BCN Model, Risk Analysis Model and Interactive Computing Model, are used and explored. 本文在分析和处理两类不确定问题时使用到不同理论模型,这些模型包括:本体表达模型、案例表达模型、BCN(Bayesian Concept Network)表达模型、风险表达模型和交互计算模型。
- To solve the little sample, less data, incomplete information and devoid experience of uncertain problems, the traditional mathematics model is not the best. The yield of reed prediction is a case in point. 对于小样本、少数据、信息不完全和经验缺乏的不确定性问题的解决,用传统的数学建模方法并不太适合,芦苇产量预测就属于此类问题。
- Research on Uncertain Problems in the Floor plan of VLSI Circuits VLSI芯片平面图中不确定性问题研究
- It seems uncertain why he lost the election. 他落选的原因似乎并不清楚。
- He tells us in no uncertain term not to come again. 他直截了当地告诉我们不要再来了。
- I own to being uncertain about that. 我坦白承认对那件事还没有把握。
- Let us eliminate all uncertain on thought. 让我们从思想上消除一切疑惑。
- I'm uncertain about how to get there. 我不确切知道怎样才能到达那里。
- The uncertain weather delayed our departure. 天气变换莫测,延误了我们启程。
- The answer of some problems is unskillful. 一些问题的回答是不熟练的。
- I'm uncertain whether to go or not. 我不能肯定去还是不去。
- She's had a lot of problems to contend with. 她有许多问题要解决。
- The company's future is uncertain. 这家公司前途未卜。
- Problems were solved on an ad hoc basis. 做了一些变通问题便解决了。
- He told us in no uncertain terms not to come again. 他直截了当地告诉我们不要再来了。
- I can shake hands with you on that problems. 在这个问题上我会同意你的看法的。
- The date of his departure is uncertain. 他离开的日期尚未确定。