- Ultrasound catalysis 超声波催化
- Catalysis has increased the rate of reaction. 催化作用提高了反应的速度。
- Ultrasound showed she was expecting twins. 超声波扫描显示她怀了双胞胎。
- Total Solution to Ultrasound Hi-Tech Field! 博大精深的超声波行业科学技术解决之道!
- Ultrasound waves to test the heel of your foot. 超声波测试您的脚后跟。
- Months later they saw the fetus in an ultrasound. 几个月以后,他们通过超声波看到了胎儿。
- Tips and tricks for abdominal ultrasound. 腹部超音波的提示和技巧。
- Should all midwives learn to perform ultrasound? 助产士都应该学习做超声吗?
- Speckle is an inherent noise in ultrasound images. 斑点噪声是超声图像中固有的噪声。
- Catalysis may be either homogeneous or heterogenous. 催化可以是均相的,也可以是多相的。
- Formic acid/H2O2 catalysis oxidation system was used to remove organo-sulfur compounds in VGO with assistance of ultrasound irradiation and DMF as extraction solvent. 选用甲酸/H2O2为催化氧化体系,DMF为抽提溶剂,在超声波的作用下,催化氧化脱除直馏蜡油中的硫化物。
- Catalysis may be either homogeneous or heterogeneous. 催化可以是均相的,也可以是多相的。
- Have probed into the dynamics parameter of the catalysis promoter. 探讨了催化反应的动力学参数。
- In oil refining industry curing catalysis decomposition. 炼油工业中的硫化催化裂解。
- Diagnostic imaging in which ultrasound is used to visualize an internal body structure or a developing fetus. 超声波扫描术利用超声波来显示耳体结构或胚胎发育情况的诊断用的成像法
- We waited three hours to have an ultrasound confirm her theory. 我们等着超声波出来做进一步确认,足足等了3个小时。
- DUFFY HASKELL: And stole the alien baby. That ultrasound is proof. 并且偷走了外星婴儿。那超声波可以证明。
- Mimic enzyme catalysis is a new challenging project in green chemistry. 仿酶催化是绿色化学研究中的一个重要课题。
- Bats use ultrasound to pick up vibrations from their prey. 蝙蝠用超声波识别猎物发出的震动。