- He had a slip of tongue by chance. 他偶然说走嘴。
- He had a slip of tongue by accident. 他偶然说走嘴。
- The cure of ulcer of gastric ` duodenum? 胃`十二指肠溃疡的治疗?
- His slip of tongue made me very embarrassed. 他的口误使我很尴尬。
- Are you sure that it was just a slip of tongue? 你确信那只是一时口误吗?
- eosinophilic ulcer of tongue 舌嗜酸性溃疡
- Ulcer of tongue 舌溃疡
- The early symptoms of tongue cancer are a persistently painful tongue ulcer, white or red discolouration. 舌头上持续出现溃疡、红或白斑是舌癌的早期病徵。
- The ulcers of chancroid are not contagious. 软性下疳的溃疡没有传染性。
- Ulceration of the mouth and lips. 口唇溃疡,口疮口腔或嘴唇的溃疡
- Ulceration of the mass is common. 常引起溃疡。
- A slip of tongue made me say Robert instead of Richard. 由于口误我把理查德说成了罗伯特。
- Who has transmissibility the remedial method of ulcer of chronic oral cavity? 谁有遗传性慢性口腔溃疡的治疗方法?
- How to turn over recrudesce to make ulcer of sexual oral cavity treat? 反复发作性口腔溃疡如何治疗?
- How prevent and to how prevent and treat ulcer of recrudescent sex oral cavity? 怎么预防和治疗复发性口腔溃疡?
- It's merely a slip of tongue,so don't try to make a Federal case out of it. 那只不过是失言,用不着小题大做。
- Pope John Paul II makes a point of giving at least some of his speeches in the language of the country he's visiting. He has the gift of tongues. 罗马教皇约翰保罗二世在他访问别的国家时,坚持用该国的语言进行部分的演讲。他具有多种语言才能。
- He eats only bland food because of his ulcer. 他患溃疡,只能吃无刺激性的食物。
- It's merely a slip of tongue, so don't try to make a Federal case out of it. 那只不过是失言,用不着小题大做。
- Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum afflicts more than 10 million citizens of the United states. 胃和十二指肠溃疡病患及1,000万以上的美国公民。