- 虚谷(1874-1896)颇受扬州画派影响,Xu Gu (1874-1896) was a painter of the Qing Dynasty who was affected by the Yangzhou Painting School.
- 1874宪法最终保证了他们的信仰自由。The 1874 constitution finally gave them freedom of religion.
- 《远离尘嚣》(1874)是他的第一部受到欢迎的成功之作。"Far from the Madding Crowd"(1874) was his first popular success.
- 赫伯特 - 胡佛(1874-1964),美国第31任总统(1929-1933)。Herbert Hoover (1874--1964), 31st president of the United States (1929--1933).
- (1874-1965)英国保守派政治家;二战中的英国领导人;在1953年荣获诺贝尔文学奖。(1874-1965) British Conservative statesman; British leader during World War II; received Nobel Prize for literature in 1953.
- 被选为副总统,并当泰勒在1923年死后成功地成为美国第13届总统(1800-1874)elected vice president and became the 13th president of the United States when Taylor died in office (1800-1874)
- 第31届美国总统(1874-1964);在1929年股票市场跌落经济崩溃,胡佛在二次竞选中被富兰克林罗斯福击败。31st President of the United States; in 1929 the stock market crashed and the economy collapsed and Hoover was defeated for re-election by Franklin Roosevelt (1874-1964).
- 温斯顿 - 丘吉尔(1874-1965),英国政治家,作家,首相 (1940-1945,1951-1955)。Winston Churchill (1874--1965), British Statesman and author, prime minister (1940--1945, 1951--1955).
- 1874宪法的原则是:如果足够数量的公民提出要求,所有的新立法可以通过全民投票。It laid down the principle that if enough citizens demand it, all new legislation can be put to a nationwide vote.
- ,新异名 ; Arge captiva Smith,1874,=Arge flavicollis( Cameron,1876) ,syn.Arge captiva Smith, 1874, = Arge flavicollis (Cameron, 1876), syn.
- 被选为副总统并当泰勒在1923年死后成功地成为美国第13届总统(1800-1874)。elected Vice President and became the 13th President of the United States when Taylor died in office (1800-1874).
- 布里尔,亚伯拉罕 阿登1874-1948奥地利裔美籍精神病学家,因翻译荣格和弗洛伊德的著作而闻名Austrian - born American psychiatrist known for his translations of the works of Jung and Freud.
- 布里尔,亚伯拉罕·阿登1874-1948奥地利裔美籍精神病学家,因翻译荣格和弗洛伊德的著作而闻名。Austrian-born American psychiatrist known for his translations of the works of Jung and Freud.
- 卡西尔,厄恩斯特1874-1945德国哲学家,他所感兴趣的是概念在头脑中的形成和关于科学知识的理论German philosopher who was concerned with the formation of concepts in the mind and the theory of scientific knowledge.
- 霍迪尼,哈丽1874-1926美国魔术师,以其能从锁链、手铐、紧身衣及用挂锁锁住的箱子中逃脱而闻名American magician known for his escapes from chains,handcuffs,straitjackets,and padlocked containers.
- 自该计划于一九八七年实施以来,已翻新单位共1874个,显著改善了这些旧单位的结构状况和房屋质素。Since the introduction of the scheme in 1987,1874 quarters have been refurbished,significantly improving structural conditions and standards.
- 布里尔,亚伯拉罕·阿登1874-1948奥地利裔美籍精神病学家,因翻译荣格和弗洛伊德的著作而闻名Austrian-born American psychiatrist known for his translations of the works of Jung and Freud.
- 怀斯,斯蒂芬·塞缪尔1874-1949匈牙利裔的美国宗教领袖,激进的犹太复国主义者且是世界犹太人议会的创始人(1936年)Bohemian-born American religious leader who united Reform Jewish organizations in the United States.
- 米勒,艾丽斯·杜尔1874-1942美国作家,其最著名的作品为叙事诗白崖(1940年),描写第二次世界大战中期的英国American writer whose best-known work, the narrative poem The White Cliffs(1940), describes Great Britain in the midst of World War II.
- 康奈尔,以斯拉1807-1874美国商人,慈善家,帮助发展并统一了美国的电报系统,并与安德鲁 D 怀特一起建立了康奈尔大学(1868年)American businessman and philanthropist who helped develop and unify telegraph systems in the United States and founded Cornell University(1868)with Andrew D.White.