- Ubbelodhe drop point 乌伯娄德滴点
- For example, accidental drop point drug poisonings might sometimes be mistaken for suicides. 例如,意外的药物中毒有时可能被误认为是自杀。
- The research process and performance of high drop point fiber core grease were introduced. 简要介绍了高滴点钢丝绳麻芯脂的研制过程及其性能。
- Petroleum products - Lubricating grease - Determination of dropping point. 石油产品。润滑脂。滴点的测定。
- With proper process binary metal adipates can be used to formulate lubricating greases with high drop points. 采用适当工艺,用己二酸二元金属皂可制得高滴点润滑脂。
- But they haven't been under pressure like this for a few years and it's written in the rules that people are going to drop points sooner or later. 但他们已经很多年没有承受现在的压力了,丢分是早晚的事,这是规律。
- Note that the transmission line is terminated on both ends of the line but not at drop points in the middle of the line. 请注意,传输线终止于连线的两端,而不是终止于连线上的节点位置。
- Lignite wax--Determination of drop point GB/T2560-1981褐煤蜡滴点测定方法
- Dropping Point of Lubricating Grease of Wide Temperature Range, Method of Test for (05. 大温度范围的润滑脂的滴定点的试验方法(05。
- Petroleum products - Determination of dropping point of lubricating greases (wide temperature range). 石油产品。润滑脂滴点(宽温度范围)的测定。
- Petroleum products and lubricants - Dropping point of lubricating greases - Automatic apparatus method. 石油产品和润滑剂。润滑脂滴点。自动机械方法。
- Dropped points would make an unlikely title that bit likelier. 他们丢分会让曼联看来希望不大的冠军争夺努力变得有机可乘。
- We are going for the title at the moment and have a very delicate game against Brescia on Saturday evening, we can't afford to drop points in our duel with Juve. 在现在我们是想着联赛冠军,而在星期六晚上有一场与布雷西亚的非常棘手的比赛,我们不能在我们与尤文的争夺中丢失分数。
- In order to progress into the last 16, Liverpool must now beat both Debrecen and Fiorentina, and hope the Italians drop points at home to Lyon next time out. 为了晋级欧冠16强,利物浦必须击败佛罗伦萨和里昂,同时希望佛罗伦萨在主场面对里昂丢分。
- England now need Russia to drop points either away to Israel on November 17 or in Andorra on November 21 to give them hope of qualifying and McClaren believes it could happen. 现在英格兰只能期望俄罗斯人在11月17日对以色列,或者11月21日对安道尔的比赛中丢分,这样我们才有出线的希望,同时麦克拉伦也相信奇迹将会出现。
- Rene Meulensteen's team will retain the title if second-placed Villa drop points against either Liverpool at Walsall on Monday or Leeds at Villa Park on Thursday. 如果第二名维拉队在利物浦或者利兹身上丢分的话雷内-穆伦斯汀的球队将会保留冠军头衔。
- At this point your logic is at fault. 在这一点上你的推理是错误的。
- Through simulating the bomb dropping point by pixel point and corresponding statistic of valid pixel, the practical bombing result is obtained. 通过像素点来模拟弹着点和对搜索区有效像素的统计,得出与实际投弹对应的轰炸结果。
- He said he would drop her like a hot potato. 他说他会把她像烫手的东西一样迫不及待地扔掉。
- In point of cost, we'll have to discuss it at the next meeting. 至于费用方面,我们只好留到下次会议再讨论。