- Multiple attacks kill 15 US troops in Iraq. 多次袭击已毁掉在伊拉克的15支美军。
- October is the deadliest month this year for US troops in Iraq. 对于驻伊美军来说,十月是今年以来最为惨痛的一个月。
- Republican presidential hopefuls say they want to keep US troops in Iraq. 共和党总统热门人选他们希望美军继续留在伊拉克。
- A US marine has publicly apologised to the family of an unarmed man who was shot to death by US troops in Iraq. 美国海军陆战队的一士兵公开队被美国在伊拉克的士兵谋杀的一个伊拉克人的家庭道歉。
- In single deadliest bombing of US troops in Iraq, a roadside bomb kills 14 marines, all from Ohio battalion that lost 6 others just days ago. 一枚路边炸弹炸死了来自俄亥俄州军营的14名海军陆战队员,该军营前几天已损失6名队员。
- Bush to Name New General in Charge of US Troops in Iraq 布什将任命新将军统领驻伊美国
- US troops in Iraq and the contractor like crime, enjoy the extraterritoriality, not local legislation jurisdiction; 驻伊美军和承包商如犯罪,享有治外法权,不受当地法律管辖;
- US troops in Iraq 驻伊美军
- The month of May was the third deadliest for the US troops since the start of the war in Iraq. 自从在伊拉克的战争开始之后今年五月份对于美国军队来说是第三致命的月份。
- The US military has announced more deaths in Iraq bringing the total number of US troops killed yesterday to 25. 美国军方宣告:昨天,在伊拉克又有更多美军死亡,使得美国军队死亡人数达到25。
- Margaret Beckett welcomes US plans to boost troops in Iraq, but says there are no British plans to do the same. 贝嘉晴欢迎美国计划增加驻伊但那图上没有英国这样做。
- However, he is now seeking German support for creating a multi-national force in Iraq, to ease the strain on US troops under daily guerrillaattack. 然而,现在他却希望,有关在伊拉克部署多国维和部队的建议,可以得到德国的支持。以减轻每日面临袭击恐惧的美国驻伊部队的压力。
- "We are, I believe, in terms of the American commitment, in the endgame here in Iraq," he told US troops at an airbase near Baghdad. “我相信美国已经实现了自己的承诺,在伊拉克的活动已进入尾声阶段。”他在巴格达的一个空军基地对美军讲话中说。
- The Iraq Study Group says President Bush's policies in Iraq are not working. The high-level commission is calling for the withdrawal of most US troops by early 2008. 伊拉克研究小组表示布什对伊政策并无成效。该高级委员会呼吁大部分美国部队在2008年初从伊拉克撤军。
- Mr Obama has indicated that he plans to draw down US troop levels in Iraq over the first 16 months of his administration, while bolstering the NATO presence in Afghanistan. 奥巴马已经表态,他计划在他执政的前16个月内削减驻伊拉克的美国军队,这实际上是支持北约(NATO)干预阿富汗问题。
- Guingona and Arroyo had a terrible row over the deployment of 1,000 US troops in the southern Philippines. 金戈纳与雅罗育为了在菲律宾南部部署一千名美军的问题争得不可开交。
- A historic veto showdown is brewing in Washington between Congress and President Bush over troops in Iraq. 美国总统和国会正在准备就伊拉克派军一事作出最后决定。
- It was a white Christmas for US troops in Afghanistan as more than 6 inches of snow fell near Kabul. 当超过6英寸厚的雪花在喀布尔附近飘落时,驻守在阿富汗的美军度过了一个白色的圣诞节。
- "The last few weeks have been rough for our troops in Iraq and for the Iraqi people. “对于我们的驻伊部队和伊拉克人民来说,最近的几个星期已经很暴力。”
- The SWATS units will be deployed to Army troops in Iraq and Afghanistan this year. SWATS将于今年部署到位于伊拉克和阿富汗的美国陆军。