- Multiple attacks kill 15 US troops in Iraq. 多次袭击已毁掉在伊拉克的15支美军。
- October is the deadliest month this year for US troops in Iraq. 对于驻伊美军来说,十月是今年以来最为惨痛的一个月。
- Us troops have been taking a more aggressive approach to tacken militants. 美国军队已经非常挑衅的靠近,来解决激进分子。
- Republican presidential hopefuls say they want to keep US troops in Iraq. 共和党总统热门人选他们希望美军继续留在伊拉克。
- Guingona and Arroyo had a terrible row over the deployment of 1,000 US troops in the southern Philippines. 金戈纳与雅罗育为了在菲律宾南部部署一千名美军的问题争得不可开交。
- It was a white Christmas for US troops in Afghanistan as more than 6 inches of snow fell near Kabul. 当超过6英寸厚的雪花在喀布尔附近飘落时,驻守在阿富汗的美军度过了一个白色的圣诞节。
- Somali Civil War: President George H. W. Bush orders28,000 US troops to Somalia. 晁髀砝锬谡剑呵侵蜨··什命令2万8千美国军人开赴索马里。
- Fallujah's main hospital was seized by the US troops in the first days of the siege. 费鲁杰的主要医院在围城的第一天就被美军占领了。
- There were no ambulances-the two ambulances that came to help the wounded were shot up and destroyed by US troops. 那里没有救护车。两部前来援助伤者的救护车被美军射击摧毁。
- Software Description: About Tonmedia Support US Troops, This screen saver has a U.S. Troop support theme. 软件许可:免费软件这个屏幕保护程序关于美国军队。
- A US marine has publicly apologised to the family of an unarmed man who was shot to death by US troops in Iraq. 美国海军陆战队的一士兵公开队被美国在伊拉克的士兵谋杀的一个伊拉克人的家庭道歉。
- About 350 Iraqi civilians and six US troops have been treated for exposure to chlorine gas. 氯气爆炸,造成大约350名伊拉克人和6名美军士兵中毒。
- The month of May was the third deadliest for the US troops since the start of the war in Iraq. 自从在伊拉克的战争开始之后今年五月份对于美国军队来说是第三致命的月份。
- The US military has announced more deaths in Iraq bringing the total number of US troops killed yesterday to 25. 美国军方宣告:昨天,在伊拉克又有更多美军死亡,使得美国军队死亡人数达到25。
- US Pres. Franklin D. Roosevelt (C) riding in jeep, visiting US troops stationed in Sicily during WW II. 富兰克林.;罗斯福视察西西里岛的美国基地。
- US troops of behaving provocatively when patrolling near the border and threatens resolute counter measures. 朝鲜谴责韩国和美国军方已经将朝鲜半岛的局势推向了“战争边缘”。
- US troops moved into the Afghan mountains in an offensive to stop Taliban insurgence. 美军日前进军阿富汗山区阻止塔利班组织的一次暴动。
- At Newark Airport in New Jersey, 26 animals have arrived from Iraq, befriended by US troops there. 由美军照顾的26头伊拉克籍动物已抵达新泽西州的纽瓦达机场。
- However, he is now seeking German support for creating a multi-national force in Iraq, to ease the strain on US troops under daily guerrillaattack. 然而,现在他却希望,有关在伊拉克部署多国维和部队的建议,可以得到德国的支持。以减轻每日面临袭击恐惧的美国驻伊部队的压力。
- Another sign of congressional unease about Iraq is a HawkishHouse Democrat who voted for the war, calls for the immediate withdrawal of US troops. 众议院一位曾支持伊拉克战争的鹰派民主党议员呼吁尽快从伊拉克撤军,使国会内对伊拉克战争又出现了不平静之势。