- The Chinese team will meet the US team in their first match. 中国队首场迎战美国队。
- The reigning Olympic gold medalist announced he's withdrawing from the US team. 这位奥林匹克金牌获得者宣布,他将会从美国队引退。
- The Chinese trio received top reviews from NBA foes on the US team at the Games. 中国队的这一三人组合成为美国队中的NBA对手议论最多的话题。
- One thing Bryant doesn't expect is a lot of heckling from the young guns on the US team. 令科比意想不到的一件事是;很多的年轻人对这只美国队发起责问.
- Work with US team to support the implementation, deployment and maintenance of the SAP ERP and Siebel CRM system. 负责计算机软硬件及系统的维护,网络数据备份、整理和归档;
- Even if the chinese gymnasts were underage, the US team did NOT give a gold-winning performance. 即使中国体操选手年龄不够,美国队也没有做出可以赢得金牌的表现。
- The reigning Olympics gold medalist announced he's withdrawing from the US team. 本届奥林匹克金牌设计者宣布保罗已经离开了美国队。
- After the game the US team members indicated that host's work is great, this is a great Paralympic Game. 赛后美国队队员表示,东道主的工作非常了不起,这是一届伟大的残奥会。
- The Soviet Union took home the gold when they toppled the US team in a controversial 1972 game. 1972年奥运会决赛中,前苏联队在决赛中击败美国队将奖杯搬回家,虽然比赛有一点点争议。
- But Hammon says she did everything she could to get on the US team, it still wasn't enough. 上每个国家的代表仪仗队到为奥运金牌获得者奏响的国歌都可以得知,这是毫无疑问的。
- Another goal is to investigate the chemistry of heavy elements, says Nancy Stoyer of the US team. 他说:“主动权现在被牢牢掌握在理论家的手中。
- China and NBA star Yao Ming even said jokingly he would retire if the Chinese beat the US team -- to clarify how difficult it would be to win the game. NBA明星姚明更是开玩笑道,如果中国队能战胜美国队,他就就此退役。以此来表明中国想要赢得这场比赛是多么的困难。
- Q2:The US team dominated the Softball competition at the 2004 Olympics to win the gold medal. How many total homeruns did the US team allow their competitors to score? 问:美国队在2004年垒球比赛中以巨大的优势夺得了最后的冠军,请问她们在整个垒球比赛中共失了多少分?
- As there was no time to change the suit, Berens dived in and contested the 3rd leg as scheduled, securing a critical slot in the night's final for the US team. 由于已经没有时间更换泳衣,他跳入水中按计划游完第3棒,为美国队进军晚上的决赛立下功劳。
- Phelps had left the US team second after the first leg of the 4x100m freestyle relay, and it took an astonishing comeback from teammate Jason Lezak to pip France at the death. 团队两个自身推广平台,同时大规模宣传影视联盟项目,给会员最雄厚的后盾支持!让我们从气势直接就能压倒别人!主动让成员加盟我们,为会员带来丰厚的利润!
- There was a long lag in forwarding mail to us. 转寄给我们的邮件晚了很久才拿到。
- The other team won the toss and put us in to bat. 另一个队掷钱币猜赢,因此我们轮到击球。
- The out-of-town team gave us a run for our money. 外地来的队和我们进行了激烈的竞赛。
- A team of African bearers came with us on safari. 有一队非洲脚夫和我们一起进行狩猎旅行。