- US forces in Iraq detain suspects in the downing of a civilian helicopter as bloody attacks killed at least 16 including an American soldier. 在伊美军以涉嫌击落一架民用直升飞机为名扣留了一些嫌疑犯,此次血腥袭击造成至少16人死亡,其中包括一名美军。
- The announcement also comes as US forces in Iraq are conducting house-to-house searches in Baghdad for a missing US serviceman who's believed to have been kidnapped. 宣告时美军正在伊拉克挨家挨户寻找一名被认为是遭到绑架的失踪的美国士兵。
- US forces in Iraq and Afghanistan 驻伊和驻阿美军
- US forces in Iraq 驻伊美军
- A huge airbase considered by US forces to be one of the most important military facilities in Iraq. 如此巨大的一个空军基地是美军在伊拉克最重要的军事设施之一。
- An Army general is warning pulling some troops out of Iraq by Christmas will erase any recent gains US forces have made in Iraq. 一名军队将军警告在圣诞节前从伊拉克撤出部份军队会令最近美军在伊取得的成果化为乌有。
- Jessica Lynch's dramatic rescue in Iraq - after a local lawyer reportedly tipped off US forces as to her whereabouts - became one of the most celebrated and controversial events of the war. 杰西卡·林奇的获救充满了戏剧色彩--伊拉克当地的一名律师把林奇的下落透露给了美军,她的这段经历成为这场战争中最著名的也是最有争议的事件之一。
- For the first time the British government has admitted to taking part in rendition when five years ago the British military handed over to US forces two suspected insurgents detained in Iraq. 翻译:英国政府日前第一次承认参与引渡逃奴。五年前,英国军方将两名拘留在伊拉克的疑似暴乱分子移交于美国军方。
- Overall, do you approve or disapprove of the way u. S. Military forces in iraq are doing their jobs? Do you feel that way strongly or somewhat? 总的来说你是否赞成或不赞成美军处理伊拉克问题的方式?你的感受是强烈或者一般?
- However, he is now seeking German support for creating a multi-national force in Iraq, to ease the strain on US troops under daily guerrillaattack. 然而,现在他却希望,有关在伊拉克部署多国维和部队的建议,可以得到德国的支持。以减轻每日面临袭击恐惧的美国驻伊部队的压力。
- The military has begun a rotation of forces in Iraq and Afghanistan that amounts to the largest movement of American troops in decades. 为了缓解军队持续作战的压力,美国军方近日在伊拉克和阿富汗进行了一次规模巨大的换防。这是美军数十年来规模最大的军事调动。外电中有这样的报道
- General Burwell Bell, commander of US forces in South Korea, was nicknamed "Baek Bo-guk," meaning the "defender of the country. 美国大使馆一名发言人称,赖斯于本周二离开韩国,前往北京开始其第二阶段的地区访问。赖斯此行旨在打破朝核问题会谈的僵局。
- Crocker said the impetus to complete the deal this year, before the current U.N. mandate for foreign forces in Iraq expires, comes from the Iraqi side. 克罗克说,伊拉克方面努力促进在今年联合国关于驻伊拉克外国部队的授权令到期前达成有关协议。
- Gates rejected any suggestion that setting a transition date for withdrawing US forces in Afghanistan will embolden the Taliban. 盖茨否认了有关设定撤军时限将为”塔利班“壮胆的论调。
- The modern dialect of Arabic spoken in Iraq. 伊拉克所用的阿拉伯语现代方言
- Military officials say a long-awaited reassessment of the war against the Taliban may include a request for more US forces in Afghanistan. 军方官员表示一份被期待已久的塔利班战争的重新评估报告可能会包括向阿富汗增的请求。
- By the counter-insurgency manual's own estimate, there have always been too few forces in Iraq to stabilise it successfully. 据平叛手册作者自己评估,用于成功稳定局势的部队总是太少。
- Iraqi authorities say a street bombing attack against security forces in Iraq has killed at least 37 people and wounded another 57. 伊政府称,在伊拉克发生的一系列针对安全部队的炸弹袭击中,有37人丧失,57人受伤。
- Overall, do you approve or disapprove of the way U.S. military forces in Iraq are doing their jobs? Do you feel that way STRONGLY or SOMEWHAT? 总的来说你是否赞成或不赞成美军处理伊拉克问题的方式?你的感受是强烈或者一般?
- Multiple attacks kill 15 US troops in Iraq. 多次袭击已毁掉在伊拉克的15支美军。