- US Army Reservist 美国陆军后备队人员
- The US Army Corps of Engineers, Engineers Research. 美国陆军工程兵研究与发展中心。
- Etymology: This phrase comes from World War II US Army slang. 词源:这个短语源于第二次世界大战时期美国军队中的俚话。
- Alongside the famous names are lesser known individuals such asthe inventor of snooker, army reservist Neville Chamberlain. 除了这些著名的人物外,还有一些不太知名的人,例如斯诺克台球的发明者、陆军预备役军人尼维尔·张伯伦。
- This time around you are a Special-Ops soldier from the US army. 生活在岛上的市民会记住你做的任何事。
- Everywhere US Army goes, it will overthrow monocracy. 凡是美国对外动武,叫做推翻专制,
- EDA is used in US army equipment battle performance research. EDA已应用于美军装备作战性能研究。
- Baylor, a United States Army Reservist, was called to active duty during that season, and being stationed in Washington state, he could play for the Lakers only when on a weekend pass. 贝勒曾经是美军一名预备役军人,而且经常是在赛季进行中被召去服兵役,要去驻扎在华盛顿州,他只能够在周末的时候才能够为湖人队打球。
- I had worked in a shaving-brush factory, joined the US army a private. 我曾在一家胡刷厂里做过工,在美国陆军中当过二等兵。
- I feel greatly honored to have this opportunity to gain your insights on the future development of the US Army today. 今天有机会就美国陆军发展问题听取你的意见,我感到非常荣幸。
- After the US army entered Bosnia-Herzegovina and Kosovo, it gave a boost to the sex industry in the two places. 美军进驻波黑、科索沃后,带动了两地色情业“繁荣”。
- Brevet is a form of military commission formerly used in US armies. 名誉晋升是美军曾用的一种军衔。
- A transport plane has crashednear a US army base in South Korea killing two American servicemen. 一架物资运输飞机在韩国的美国陆军基地坠落,造成两名美国士兵身亡。
- The Black Hawk was developed to meet a US Army requirement for a UH-1 Iroquois replacement in 1972. 黑鹰是于1972年按照美国陆军的要求进行设计的,目的是替代UH-1伊洛魁直升机。
- The Black Hawk was selected for production and the UH-60A entered service with the US Army in 1979. 最终黑鹰中标量产,UH-60A于1979年进入美国陆军服役。
- The US Army has reassessed its options and consolidated its specialised assets under a formal major command. 根据上级正式命令,美军已经重新评估了作战方案,落实了专门资金。
- As a retired US Army colonel, I would particularly enjoy helping the staff of the Military Museum. 作为一名退休的美军上校,我特别愿意帮助军事博物馆的工作人员。
- CENTAG is comprised of two Bundeswehr (WG Army) Korp's, two US ARMY Corp's and a Canadian Mech Bde. 中央集团军包含了两个西德陆军军级单位,两个美国陆军军级单位,以及一个加拿大机械化旅。
- However, the commonly accepted view that the US Army overwhelmed opponents by sheer numbers is not quite correct. 可是,一般公认的观点,即美国陆军纯粹依靠数量优势压倒对手是不正确的。
- In July 1969, I was at Fort Benning, Georgia, training to become a US Army officer. 1969年7月,我当时在乔治亚州的本宁堡接受美国陆军军官训练。