- If you 're trying to buy me off, i'm afraid you're come to the wrong person. 假如你想要收买我,我看你是找错人了。
- It’s impossible to continue to mentally balance your check book while you’re trying to avoid smashing into the skateboarding teen who just careened off the side walk. 你不可能一边念着自家的账本,一边还能甩方向盘避让人行道冲出来的滑板小子。
- They' re trying to blast away the hill to pave the way for the new highway. 他们试图炸掉这座小山丘为新公路通过。
- Young Henry was trying to ease his mind by moving from place to place, and from excitement to excitement. 小亨利为了散心,到处乱跑,看看这个,看看那个,想寻找乐趣。
- The government is capping flights at NewYork's major airports trying to ease air trival delays nationwide. 政府正在限制纽约主要机场的航班数量,以试图减少全国的航班延误状况。
- We"re trying to develop strategies to reach bloggers and encourage them to join. 我们正在制定战略,以达到博客,并鼓励他们参加。
- Hence, the problems we re trying to solve will remain for the foreseeable future. 因此,我们正在试图解决的问题在可以预期的将来一段时间内将依然存在。
- So, a China whose influence is growing but that is trying to ease old antagonisms--what's not to like? 那么,这样一个影响力不断扩大又在极力避免传统冲突的中国有什么不好吗?
- So that's the kind of thing we re trying to get the Aeroflot staff to do, bless them. 这就是我们要努力帮助俄罗斯航空公司的工作人员做到的事情,愿上帝保佑他们。
- Don't put me off when I'm trying to concentrate. 我正要集中注意力呢,别打搅我。
- In reality, they’re trying to cajole, bluff and calm their audience of global money-sloshers. 实际上,他们是在试图哄骗、吓唬和安定那些作为他们观众的全球散财童子们。
- Knock it off, kids, I'm trying to sleep! 孩子们,别闹了,我要睡觉了!
- Even so, the commercials are still there, intruding into the program you’re trying to watch. 即便如此,广告还是少不了的,总会穿插在你打算要观看的节目当中。
- I have spent months trying to ease the fevered imaginings that have tormented me since that encounter a scant few months past, but to no avail.And now they know who I am. 我花了好几个月试着去掉那些自从几个月前的那次遭遇就一直折磨着我的激烈的图像。
- We' re trying to re-construct our relationship with the energy, materials, community, life, memory, craft and philanthropy. 台湾是个各种关系错综复杂的地方。在太多的错置里面我们总是来不及思考,就被既定价值系统决定了样貌与序列。
- Knock it off! You lot. I'm trying to get some rest. 停!你们这群人,我想休息一会儿。
- Pattern detectors are a good choice when what you re trying to detect can be expressed as a sequence of bytecode patterns. 如果所要检测的问题可以表述为一组字节码模式,则模式检测器是一种好的选择。
- If you try to start off in top gear you'll stall. 要是刚一发动就用最高挡,那就会熄火。
- If you are experiencing pain in calf or thigh muscles after walking (intermittent claudication), try to take a break and allow the pain to ease before walking again. 如果在行走之后小腿或大腿肌肉会疼痛(间歇性跛行),最好稍事休息,在继续行走之前缓解一下疼痛。
- As a result, I think I can speak intelligently about how those people tend to think and act when they re trying to create software. 因此,我想我可以明智地说出当他们设法开发软件时是如何想的,以及是如何做的。