- The typhoon hazards comprise strong wind, rainfall, and induced ocean effects including storm surge and wave. 其中,台风危险性分析的致灾因子包括台风强风、降雨、风暴潮、海浪等。
- The real-time numerical forecasts of the storm surge, caused by typhoon No. 0214, have been maken in Zhanjiang during August 2002. 摘要本文对2002年8月在湛江附近登陆的0214号强热带风暴(黄蜂)进行了风暴潮实时预报。
- The typhoon storm surge and the storm current are frequently natural hazards for the ocean engineering. 台风暴潮及风暴海流是危害海洋工程的主要灾害现象之一。
- The storm surge swept in over Route 41. 飓风掀起的巨浪跃过了四十一号公路。
- Astronomers explained that this was due to the typhoon, "Haig than the" landing time and astronomical tide of overlap caused by the storm surge caused. 天文学家解释,这是由于台风“黑格比”的登陆时间与天文大潮重叠而引发的风暴潮所导致的。
- The Observatory adapts and runs storm surge models. 天文台利用数值模式来预测风暴潮。
- The three-dimensional finite-difference Scheme proposed by Liu and Leendertse (1978) is employed to simulate the storm surge and current by the typhoon 8309 (Ellen, 1983) in the north-eastern part of the South China Sea. 本文采用Liu and Leendertse的三维有限差分格式,模拟了8309号台风在南海北部引起的风暴潮和风海流。
- He was napping when the storm surge reached the School Road area. 当飓风掀起的巨浪接近学校路时,他正睡着。
- Logistic regression method has the best performance in AERE typhoon induced debris flow susceptibility analysis. 总体而言罗吉斯迴归得到最好的判释结果。
- The mechanism of evolution of typhoon induced wind wave is studied by analysing the observed wave data of Tyhoon MATSA (No 0509). 摘要通过对0509号“麦莎”台风浪的分析,揭示影响台风浪成长、发展、消衰的物理因素。
- This is because the AERE typhoon induced debris flow susceptibility analysis has more definite debris flow data and also because the rainfall data as an import factor are considered. 事件诱发土石流潜感分析中除了对土石流及非土石流溪流的认定较为确实外,同时加入了雨量因子,因此可以得到较好的分析结果。
- Risk Assessment of Swingeing Storm Surge Disaster in Coastal Area of China Induced by Typhoon Based on Information Diffusion Method 基于信息扩散理论的中国沿海特大台风暴潮灾害风险分析
- Storm surge is one kind of meteorological tides which may cause seri- ous destruction on coastal facilities. 风暴潮是一种对海岸设施破坏力极大的气象型潮灾。
- The paper abtained the quantitative results of the storm surge and the strom current around the water area ... 同时通过假想台风的设计,计算了码头区域的最大可能风暴增水和风暴海流,可为大型码头工程的设计提供参数。
- Most dangerous is the storm surge, a wall of water that sweeps across the coastline where hurricane makes landfall. 最危险的是风暴潮,它会在飓风登陆处形成一道水墙,横扫海岸线。
- And yet, in 2007, the freshwater Norfolk Broads were nearly flooded after storm surge conditions at sea. 不过,2007年的海上风暴潮,差点淹没了诺福克郡的淡水湖区。
- After three police checkpoints, I find the storm surge, which always indicates the worst of the destruction. 在经过了三个警察检查站后,我发现了风暴潮,这往往象征着最大的破坏力。
- The Observatory presently uses a single storm surge model operating from finer grids in bays and near coasts but coarser grids to the open sea. 天文台现在应用一个风暴潮模式,在港湾和接近沿岸时使用较密集的网格点而在大海时使用较疏网格点。
- North Sea storm surge statistics based on projections in a warmer climate: How important are the driving GCM and the chosen emission scenario? 根据气候变暖计划北海风暴巨浪统计:重要是如何驱动GCM和选择喷射?