- Java allows you to cast any primitive type to any other primitive type,except for boolean,which doesn't allow any casting at all. Java允许我们将任何主类型“造型”为其他任何一种主类型,但布尔值(bollean)要除外,后者根本不允许进行任何造型处理。
- Java allows you to cast any primitive type to any other primitive type, except for boolean, which doesn't allow any casting at all. java允许我们将任何主类型“造型”为其他任何一种主类型,但布尔值(bollean)要除外,后者根本不允许进行任何造型处理。
- Type to any primitive type. 类型向任何基元类型进行转换。
- You can see that, with the exception of boolean, any primitive type can be cast to any other primitive type. 大家可以看到,除boolean以外,任何一种主类型都可通过造型变为其他主类型。
- You can see that,with the exception of boolean,any primitive type can be cast to any other primitive type. 大家可以看到,除boolean以外,任何一种主类型都可通过造型变为其他主类型。
- A primitive type can be cast to any type derived from that primitive type. 基元类型可以转换为该基元类型所派生的任何类型。
- You can assign a new value to any left-hand-side expression that is an l-value of a primitive type. 可以将新值赋给任何为基元类型左值的左表达式。
- Attribute to marshal the Boolean type to any of the representations shown in the following table. 属性来将布尔类型封送到下表中显示的任何一种表示形式。
- In brief, Visual Basic automatically converts a value of a given type to any other type to which it widens. 简言之,Visual Basic自动将给定类型的值转换成其扩展的任何其他类型。
- Education should not be restricted to any one specific age group. 教育不应限制在任何特定的年龄组上。
- In order for the default value of an enum type to be easily available, the literal 0 implicitly converts to any enum type. 与前几个版本的规定没怎么改变,仍然是说“字面量0”而不是“编译时常量0”可以被转换为任意枚举类型。
- He was hostile to any change in our plan. 他反对我们计划中的任何改变。
- Explicit numeric conversion is used to convert any numeric type to any other numeric type, for which there is no implicit conversion, by using a cast expression. 显式数值转换用于通过显式转换表达式,将任何数字类型转换为任何其他数字类型。对于它不存在隐式转换。
- He will throw open his door to any of your friends. 凡是你的朋友他无不竭诚欢迎。
- There is always an exception to any rule. 任何规律总有例外。
- Be you allergic to any medicate? 你有药物过敏反应吗?
- It is, in fact, a primitive type of calendar. 事实上是一种最原始的日历。
- I can't point to any one particular reason for it. 那件事我找不出具体原因来。
- Java determines the size of each primitive type. java决定了每种主要类型的大
- The conservatives are opposed to any change. 保守分子反对变革。